The whole story

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When Avery woke up, she was met with Chen's worried eyes,
"Avery! Thank the gods you're okay! I saw you collapse and rushed to get you out of there. Suho was fighting Luhan when I left so I don't think they noticed I took you out. What happened? I tried everything and couldn't wake you up!"
Chen's worry and relief poured through his words and eyes as he held Avery close,
"I'm alright Chen, really. But I have to go to my friend Rose Blackthorn in Central City. It's really far from here but I have to. She contacted me just now and I have I formation on her brother that she desperately needs."
Avery leaned into his chest, fearing what the truth would do to her friend,
"Okay hold up. First off how did she contact you? What information do you have? How do you know her?"
Avery sighed,
"It's a very long story. And I think the others should hear it. Are they done fighting?"
Chen motioned to the door,
"See for yourself."
Avery went outside into the small landing overlooking the ground floor and gasped,
The fighting was worse than before she passed out. Kris and Kai were both on the ground, at each other's throats and they both looked like the other had gotten some good hits in. Tao and Chanyeol were dodging each others punches and kicks, Tao looking pretty beat up and Chanyeol with a split lip. Baekhyun had just sent Xiumin though a bookshelf and was about to pounce on him. D.O. and Suho had teamed up on Luhan, who had a bruised cheek and was trying to block their attacks as Lay bodychecked Sehun into a nearby wall.
Avery couldn't take seeing them at each other's throats like this anymore,
Her voice rang through the room, causing all the commotion to come to a standstill. They all looked at her,
"When did you get up there?"
Chanyeol asked
"She collapsed dumbass! If I hadn't been here to get her away from the fighting she could've gotten hurt! None of you even noticed!"
Chen roared, clearly upset.
The others looked down, ashamed at themselves for putting her in harms way,
"All of you need to play nice for about the next hour. I have to tell you guys something important."
She came down stairs with Chen's help (Dream Walking takes a lot out of you) and sat down on the couch, the others following suit and sitting down as well,
"What did you have to tell us? Is something wrong?"
Kris spoke up after everyone was settled,
"Yes and no. When I collapsed it wasn't because I was scared or claustrophobic or anything like that. I collapsed because I was forcefully Astroprojected into my friend Rose's dreamscape."
Avery looked around to gauge their reactions. They didn't look like they understood her.
"I know a little bit about Astroprojecting. Isn't that when you put yourself in someone else's dream?"
Lay asked. Avery looked at him, completely stunned,
"Yes it is. How did you know that? I don't recall seeing you at Little River Orphanage."
"I took an interest in psychic abilities a long time ago. Little River Orphanage?"
Lay. questioned.
"Yes. My friend Rose Blackthorn and I lost our parents when we were very young. We were sent to Little River Orphanage for "a safe place to stay and live". Needless to say, it was anything but.."
Avery trailed off slightly as Chen put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, earning glares from the others,
"If you don't want to tell us it's okay"
Avery looked at him and smiled,
"I'm alright.. besides you need to know the whole story."
Chen nodded and she continued,
"They tortured the three of us, myself, Rose, and her younger brother, Hunter. Rose and I were part of the Dream Walker project. They wanted to use my brother, but he was killed in the wolf attack. The Dream Walker project was about Astroprojecting into someone's dream. We were a success but with a few...problems."
"Like what?"
Kai asked,
"In theory, if we are both in a dreamscape and the person whose dreamscape it is gets woken up, the idea is that the other person would wake up to. That didn't work. If one is woken up and the other isn't, like for example if it was Roses dreamscape like it was a few minutes ago and she would've been woken up before she properly closed the Dream, I would've become trapped in her dreamscape, unable to wake up until she went back into it and sent me back to my dreamscape. Since I wasn't dreaming I just woke up. But what happened when I collapsed was she accidentally opened a Dreamscape and pulled me in. In that case, neither one of us can be woken up until she sent me back. I heard you calling me, Chen, but I couldn't do anything until she sent me back and sealed her dreamscape."
A heavy silence fell on the room as the boys processed what she had told them. After about five minutes Baekhyun spoke,
"So what happened? Did you escape?"
He asked softly,
"Yes we did... but not with Hunter. He and Rose were separated soon after we arrived. We have not seen him since. After we escaped we made our way to Central City. I thought that the Führer might know something so I broke into his office to get some information."
"What did you find?"
Tao asked as he leaned forward on his seat. Avery hesitated before she spoke again,
"I found out that Hunter had blocks put up in his mind. He now goes by Pride and is a Homunculus. I'm not entirely sure what that is, but I know that he is posing as the son of Führer Bradley. The Führer was planning to lure Rose out and use Hunter.. Pride against her. He was to lead her into a trap and then they would attempt to put something called a Philosopher's Stone inside of her and see if she would survive."
"Oh gods.. I'm so sorry..."
D.O. said softly. Then Chen spoke,
"Why did they want to see if she'd survive?"
"I don't know. I didn't get that far before they found me. I was thrown in jail but I broke out. I went to see Rose but the Führers men were close behind me. All I could say is that I had to leave and that it wasn't safe here, there was a bigger plot. Then I left,"
Avery leaned forward,
"I thought I should explain the whole story so you would understand.."
"Understand what?"
Luhan asked,
"I have to go to Rose. Now."
Kris's voice came from next to her,
"No. But I can't bring all twelve of you. Six at the most. And I don't know who to bring."
"I'll come"
Kris said,
"I'm the strongest wolf. Plus I owe you. I started this whole fight.."
Avery smiled,
"Alright. Who else wants to come?"
"Well Kai and I have to. We've bonded to you by drinking your blood."
Baekhyun spoke up,
"Alright so Kris, Kai, Baekhyun, Luhan would you like to come? I figure it would give us more time to talk considering that Kai took me away."
Avery joked as Luhan laughed,
"I'd love to Avery."
"Can I come too?"
Tao asked,
"Of course. It'll give us time to get to know each other. We never really talked."
Tao nodded enthusiastically before Chen spoke up,
"I should come too. I'm not the alpha but I'm still a strong wolf. I'm the fastest too. Plus if I'm not there who knows what kind of trouble you guys will get into?"
They laughed slightly at his comment and turned to Avery,
"Sound good?"
She looked to the others,
"I want you guys to watch the houses. And try to get along okay? I don't know what drove you all apart but please try and get along. I don't want a repeat of what happened an hour ago. You got me?"
Avery said sternly. They all nodded in agreement,
"Thank you guys. Really."
She turned to the six who agreed to accompany her,
"You guys ready?"
"Good. We're leaving now. Rose needs to know what's going on before it's too late."
They nodded in silent agreement as they followed her out the front door, into The Forest. Although the six agreed to work together, Kai and Baekhyun kept an eye on the wolves. And the wolves, especially the alpha, kept an eye on the vampires.
Avery could sense the tension that formed behind her as she walked,
Yeah. This'll be fun, she thought.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now