Bad Blood

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Avery screamed in fear and pain as she felt Chanyeol's fangs pierce the soft, pale skin of her neck. Avery shot a helpless glance at Tao and Chen as she tried to shove the vampire away from her. Without hesitation Tao ran to her, stopping time as he ripped Chanyeol away forcefully and threw him to the other end of the room. He turned back to Avery, kissing her gently before he lifted her up and brought her over by Chen, returning time to its regular speed. Avery blinked in confusion and looked to Chen, who moved to stand in front of her. Chanyeol stood up and moved towards Chen, gaining momentum as he charged the wolf. Chen steadied himself as he held his hands up slightly with the palms facing Chanyeol. He took a deep breath as lightning shot from his palms and struck Chanyeol in the chest,


Chanyeol grunted and yelled in agonizing pain as the lightning coursed through him. His body shuddered as he fell to the floor when Chen ceased his assault on the blood hungry, crazed vampire. Avery peaked out from behind Chen's shoulder and spoke softly,

"Is he dead?"

Tao chuckled slightly,

"Well technically, yes. But if you're asking for good, no. Chen stunned him."

Tao turned to face Avery, worry overtaking his features,

"What about you? Are you alright?"

Avery nodded,

"Yes. Just a little light headed."

She responded as she heard a groan of pain coming from behind her. Avery gasped,


She rushed over to the injured vampire and held him upright in a sitting position. His eyes flicked to her and he smiled painfully,

"Glad you're alright.."

He whispered before coughing hoarsely and slipping unconscious. Avery turned back to Chen and Tao,

"He needs help. Chanyeol beat him up pretty bad. He needs the others."

"I'll get Baekhyun."

Tao said as he left the room. Chen knelt down next to Avery and pulled her into a strong, warm embrace. Avery responded with a comforting hug,

"It's okay. Everyone is okay. Don't worry."

She spoke softly to the wolf in her arms. He pulled back slightly and looked in her eyes,

"I know you're okay... but he bit you. He bit you. If we could've moved faster i-if Tao would've stopped time sooner then-"


Avery whispered softly, cupping his face in her hands gently and smiled,

"Don't blame yourself. Or Tao. I knew there was a chance he'd attack me, but if I didn't try and reason with him you and Tao might've been too late."

Avery kissed his cheek softly,

"Thank you for stopping him, Chen."

Chen's lips parted slightly as he leaned closer to Avery. Her eyes fell to his lips as she leaned in slightly. Just as their lips were about to touch, Tao and Baekhyun rushed in, causing them to jump apart,

"Avery! Are you hurt?"

Baekhyun asked seriously as he pulled Avery to her feet. She shook her head as she spoke,

"No but Kai is. Chanyeol bit me though."

Baekhyun's eyes darkened but he didn't say anything as he went to Kai,

"His wounds are bad but he'll recover with rest. It'd be faster if he had blood but since you've been bitten by Chanyeol I don't want Kai anywhere near you. Especially since you've been bitten by Chanyeol." 

Avery gave him a questioning look and he explained,

"If a vampire bites a human who has been bitten by a vampire in The Darkling Stage in the past 12 hours the vampire will die. Darkling's, vampires in The Darkling Stage, inject a chemical into the human they bite through their fangs. The human can't be harmed by it but other vampires can. It's hard to explain but basically the more blood they take, the faster they die. Once it's in their system it stays there until they die. It doesn't matter who else they feed from, it'll only kill them faster."

Avery nodded in understanding as she looked around in confusion,

"Where are Kris and Luhan?"

Baekhyun gestured in the direction of the EXO-M mansion,

"They went back to their place to see what's going on. If they can bring Lay back here he can heal Kai. For now through I'm going to put him in his room and lock him in. Tao help me get him in there."

Tao went over and helped Baekhyun carry Kai to his room as Avery and Chen left Chanyeol's room, locking it. Avery motioned for Chen to follow her as she followed Tao and Baekhyun,

"What now?"

She asked after Baekhyun put Kai on his bed and locked the door. He turned to her,

"Let's wait in my room for the guys to come back. I'll stand on my balcony so they'll know where we are. I'm pretty sure you can see my room from where they'll come up so we should be good."

Avery nodded as she and the others followed Baekhyun into his room, locking the door behind them. Chen and Tao sat down on the small dark gray couch against the wall near the bookshelves that reach the ceiling while Avery sat down on the bed, anxiously waiting for the wolves to return.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now