I'll Find Her

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After Kris had finally dragged her back to the room with the others and locked the door, Avery looked down to where he had a tight grip on her upper arm,
"Uh, wanna let me go?"
Kris sighed and dropped her arm before apologizing,
"I'm sorry. I know I was supposed to but watching his pathetic attempt to flirt with you made me a little angry."
Avery laughed slightly before responding,
"It's alright. We got what we needed,"
She turned to the others,
"Envy is going to tell Gluttony of the "plan" tonight so he and I can go to find Hunter tomorrow night. You remember what I told all of you earlier? I hope so because I don't think I should repeat it. Also, Ed,"
The young alchemist's head snapped up when she directed her attention towards him, 
"I have a question. Do you think telling Rose would be a good idea. I'm not sure it is but I want to know what you think. You're close to her after all. I've been gone a very long time."
Ed leaned back on his hands in thought before speaking,
"Rose is funny. She can be reasoned with and you can tell her certain things. But her emotions can get in the way and she has strong feelings towards Envy. I think it would be best if you let everything unravel by itself and let her see what he is."
Avery nodded in understanding,
"I see. Thank you. I wonder where she and Greed are anyway. I feel like they should've been back by now."
Tao glanced out of the window,
"Well Greed is coming back, but Rose does not appear to be with him."
Avery sighed before speaking,
"He must've said something to upset her. When she's upset she runs off to a place where she feels safe so she can work through it in her own way. I'll go talk to him."
Avery left the room and went to the front door, opening it just as Greed walked in. He looked at her, eyes wide with concern before he started speaking,
Avery placed a finger over his lips to silence him,
"Not here. Come with me."
He silently followed her down the hall to her room,
"Shut the door behind you."
Avery instructed Greed, who gently closed the door behind him before turning to her,
"I take it Rose hasn't come back?"
Avery shook her head. Greed cursed under his breath as he leaned back against the wall. Avery sat down on her bed, back against the wall with her legs crossed before asking Greed why Rose felt the need to run. Greed sighed before responding,
"I told her something she wasn't ready to hear."
"Which was?"
Greed looked at Avery for a long time, tossing an idea around in his mind before he spoke, in an almost whisper,
"Envy is going to betray us. He can't be trusted and I know it. I tried to tell Rose but she wasn't ready to hear it, or maybe she just didn't want to. She ran off. I've been trying to find her but I have no idea where she could've gone."
Avery nodded in understanding before hopping off her bed,
"I think I know where she might be. And, if memory serves, I know how to get there. Wait here guys, I'll be back in a little bit."
She said while climbing out of her window before they could stop her and vanishing into the twilight, leaving her guardians, her secret admirer, and the distressed homunculus standing in her small room,
"Should we go after her?"
Ed asked,
"And risk opening the floodgate of her anger? She'll come back with Rose soon enough."
Kris responded, a touch of uncertainty in his voice as the other males in the room found either a wall to lean against or a place to sit as they waited for the thief who had stolen 7 of the 8 hearts in the room.

Sorry I've been gone so long! I was on vacation in Europe but now that I'm back I'll be updating more regularly cx and if any of you want me to do a fluffy scene with one of the guys feel free to let me know ^.^


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