Saying Goodbye Central City

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When Avery woke up she made her way into the living room, sneaking past Kris and the others to make sure they didn't wake up. When she got there she saw Kai sleeping peacefully on the couch. She smiled to herself and pulled a brown cotton blanket over him that was bunched up near his feet. Avery pet his head gently before continuing into the kitchen where Rose and Hunter were happily eating,
"Hi Avery!"
Hunter waved at her enthusiastically as she smiled back and replied,
"Hey Hunter. I'm glad you're safe. You had all of us worried."
Hunter looked down,
"I know. I would've come back if I could. But I'm glad to be here with you guys again now."
He smiled happily, causing Rose and Avery to giggle at his adorable smile. As she calmed down, Avery turned to Rose,
"I'm very glad you have Hunter again, but I'm afraid the boys and I must go. We have people waiting for us back home and they might be getting worried."
Rose laughed quietly and smiled at her friend,
"I know you have to go. But hold off for a little bit. I think Ed would be very much saddened if you left without saying goodbye to him."
Avery tilted her head in confusion as to why he would care. Before she could ask, however, Greed entered the kitchen,
"Hey Rose. Avery."
Rose smiled at him while Avery nodded once in his direction as he turned his attention to Hunter,
"How you doing, bud? Feeling alright?"
Hunter nodded and Greed smiled,
"Good. So Avery I hear you're takin off?"
He turned to Avery who nodded,
"That's right. I have some things I have to attend to back home. Those six aren't the only ones I have to keep track of."
Greed laughed at her response,
"Have fun with that. Remember to visit alright?"
Avery grinned as she left the kitchen and moved to the couch where Kai lay sleeping. She gently shook his shoulder,
"Kai? It's Avery. You need to wake up."
She whispered softly to him. Slowly, he cracked his eyelids open and smiled slightly at her,
"Morning already, Av? Alright I'm up. By the way.. about last night-"
"It's okay, Kai. I don't blame you at all. You were hurt badly and you needed blood. Please don't blame yourself for a decision I made, alright?"
The vampire smiled and squeezed her hand in appreciation,
"Alright. Thank you, Avery."
"No problem. Would you mind waking the guys up and telling them to get their stuff and come in here? We're leaving today."
Kai nodded, winking at Avery before disappearing down the hallway. Avery sat back on the couch, waiting for the others to come in. She heard footsteps and turned to see Ed entering the living room,
"Hey Ed what's up?"
She asked as he sat down next to her,
"Nothing much. Greed put Envy in the closet of Rose's room so I guess she's going to decide what to do with him."
Avery nodded in understanding before turning to look at him,
"Ed, there's something I need to tell you. You'll find out soon enough but I want you to hear it from me first. Rose said I should tell you."
He looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern,
"What is it, Avery?"
"Well... the guys and I are leaving. I still have some things to attend to back home. Plus those six aren't the only ones I have to take care of."
Ed's face fell at the news, but brightened up as she continued,
"This isn't goodbye though. I'll come back and visit I promise. I just have to get some stuff with the guys settled out."
Ed nodded enthusiastically,
"Yeah yeah of course do what you have to. I-we'll be waiting for you."
Avery noticed how he almost said "I" and giggled,
"You ready to go?"
Kris's masculine voice sounded boldly through the room as he entered followed by the other five. Avery nodded,
"I'm ready."
Rose, Greed, and Hunter entered the living room and stood in front of Avery,
"You promise you'll visit?"
Rose asked. Avery nodded,
"You better."
Rose said as she walked quickly forward and hugged Avery tightly. The young thief hugged her friend back even tighter. When Rose pulled away Hunter walked up,
"Thank you for saving me. I hope I see you again."
He said cutely, giving Avery a small hug before returning to Rose. Greed walked up next,
"I know I already said it but you better come back here. You're fun to have around."
He said coolly, a smirk forming on his face as he held his hand out. Avery smirked back,
"You can count on it."
She replied, reaching forward to grip his forearm as he gripped hers. When they let go, Ed came up to her and hugged her,
"You're... really awesome, Avery. Come visit us as soon as you can."
He backed up and went to stand by Greed who was laughing as a blush crept into Ed's cheeks. Avery smiled at the blushing alchemist,
"I'll definitely be back. See ya later guys!"
She said happily, waving to them as she and the others left Rose's house and followed the main road out of Central.

As they followed the dusty road home, Baekhyun was the first to speak up,
"Ed seems to like you a lot doesn't he Avery?"
He said, a hint of jealously in his voice that Avery chose to ignore,
"Yeah I suppose. He's a good friend to Rose and is now a good friend to me. He really helped get Hunter back and for that I can't thank him enough. That goes for all of you too. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you came to help. You didn't have to but you did."
"We did it to help you. We know what Rose means to you. You two have been friends for a very long time and you'd both do anything for each other." 
Luhan chimed into the conversation. Avery smiled fondly at him,
"Thank you for saying that, Luhan. I know you guys did it to help me. Thank you all so much. You have no idea what that means to me."
Avery smiled at the boys as she turned back to the road and continued walking home, unaware of the glares the boys shot at each other as the competition for her heart began.

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