Am I in the right place?

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The next day, Avery and the others started off towards Central at 6:00 in the morning. The wolves could handle traveling in the early dawn hours. The vampires were a different story,
"Averyyyyyyyy! I'm tired. Can we sleep for a few more hours?"
Baekhyun's voice rang out in a pouty tone. Avery sighed in irritation,
"No, we can't. I promised Rose I would get there as soon as I can and I intend to keep that promise."
Avery looked at the long road ahead of them,
"It'll take us a few more days though. I wish there was a way to get their faster. I don't want to waste time like this."
She said, hating this powerless feeling. Suddenly, she felt someone pick her up as her surroundings became blurred. Am I going to pass out? She thought worriedly until she realized her hair was flowing behind her as wind hit her face. She turned her head to shield her eyes and was met with a broad chest. Avery hesitantly looked up and saw Baekhyun give her a goofy grin,
"Hold on tight sweetheart."
He said as he ran faster. Avery peeked behind him and saw the others chasing him, looking rather angry. She giggled slightly and rested her head against Baekhyun, trying to ignore the burning desire that thrummed in her veins due to her contact with the dirty blonde vampire.

----several hours later----

When Baekhyun finally dropped Avery and stopped running, she saw that they weren't very far from Central. She smiled happily and hugged the vampire,
"Thank you so much!! You're amazing Baekhyun!"
Avery exclaimed with pure glee as the others caught up to them. When they did, Kris stormed up to Baekhyun,
"What the hell was that? She could've been hurt!"
"Could've been but wasn't. Besides she said she didn't want to waste time walking here. So I sped up the process. You and your little wolves followed. Kai did too so I don't see the problem. We all made it here in a decent amount of time."
Baekhyun said coolly as Kris sighed in anger before turning to Avery,
"Are you alright?"
He asked, his eyes softening as he looked into her eyes,
"Yes I am. Thanks for asking. Since we're so close how about we all rest. That was a long run and I'm sure you're all tired."
They all nodded in agreement as they collapsed in a nearby clearing. Luhan, Tao, and Chen promptly passed out. Kai and Baekhyun tried to stay awake but ultimately failed and passed out too. Avery sat down and leaned against a large tree as Kris sat next to her,
"I'm glad you're okay. I know Baekhyun can be impulsive and brash. I don't want you hurt."
He said, turning towards you,
"I'm alright Kris. Baekhyun has never intentionally hurt me even when he bit me I know that it was just because he couldn't control it. I've never held it against him."
Avery said lightly as Kris put an arm around her shoulders,
"If he ever tries to bite you again, tell me."
He said, anger laced his words as she rested her head on his shoulder,
"I will. I promise. For now I want to rest a little. I'm kinda tired."
Kris laughed quietly and held you close,
"Rest then, love. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Avery smiled at the thought before drifting off to sleep.


When Avery woke up, she saw thousands of stars twinkling overhead. She turned to see Kris still holding her protectively while the other guys were talking,
"Hey sleeping beauty."
Luhan said, making her smile,
"Hey Luhan. Sorry I overslept guys. Should we head to Central?"
They nodded,
"Sure. We were just waiting for you to wake up."
Chen added, shooting Kris a glare as he helped Avery up and they continued their journey. They arrived in Central fairly quickly, and Avery began searching for Roses house.
After what felt like hours of searching, they finally found it with the door slightly ajar. Cautiously, Avery entered the house to see to guys, one in his late teens and the other in his early twenties, fighting along with a shorter guy trying to stop them. Avery took a deep breath before she spoke,
"Uh... Hi.. Do any of you know a girl by the name of Rose? I'm supposed to meet her in this city and this is where she lived last time I was here."
All of their heads turned to see Avery standing there, with six guys behind her who she guessed looked ready to fight the unknown people before her if they got too close. The shorter blonde guy who was trying to stop the fight was the first to speak up,
"W-who might you be?"
He said, stuttering a little and blushing slightly. Avery giggled before responding,
"Avery. Avery Tyler."

If you want to skip to the main story go to the chapter called The Old Manor House

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now