Explaining Everything

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This chapter is dedicated to shy_wizard5204 for supporting me and for everyone else who has stuck with me so far cx you're all amazing!!!

Avery and Rose sat down on the couch while the others found various places in the room to stand and sit,
"What did you find out Avery?"
Rose inquired. Avery took a deep breath before speaking,
"When I was looking through Bradley's office, I found a bunch of documents about some military project that Little River was part of. It was called The Dreamwalker Project."
Rose nodded,
"Okay. Did you find out what they were doing? What happened to Hunter?"
"I found out that Hunter had blocks put up in his mind not long after we were separated. He now goes by Pride and is a Homunculus. I'm not entirely sure what that is, but I know that he is posing as the son of Führer Bradley. The Führer was planning to lure you out and use Hunter.. Pride against you. He was to lead you into a trap and then they would attempt to put something called a Philosopher's Stone inside of yoi and see if you would survive."
Envy and Greed sucked in a breath as Rose's eyes widened,
"Bradley wanted to use Hunter against me?.."
She said in shock. Avery nodded,
"Yes. From the looks on your faces you seem to know something I don't. Care to share?"
"We're Homunculi. Greed and I."
Envy spoke up from behind Rose,
"Alright. And what is that?"
Avery asked,
"Artificial humans. And if Bradley wants to put a Philosophers stone in Rose.. he wants to make her into one of us. To replace Lust no doubt."
Envy said, a careless tone in his voice, but worry spilled through his eyes,
"I read something about Lust. It said she was killed by someone named Mustang."
"Yeah, that's right."
Greed confirmed. Avery but her lip in thought then turned back to Rose,
"If Greed and Envy are Homunculi then I think I have an idea on how to get Hunter back."
Rose nodded,
"Okay. Can we talk more tomorrow? I'm.. very tired."
She said, her eyes distant. Avery nodded,
"Yeah no problem. Whenever you're ready, Rose."
She smiled at her friend as Rose stood up and looked to Kai and the others,
"It was nice meeting all of you. I think I'm going to go to bed now. I have spare blankets and pillows in the closet down the hall. Avery your room is right where you left it."
Avery smiled knowingly,
"Thanks. It's been a long time. Goodnight, Rose."
Rose smiled slightly,
"Goodnight, Avery."
And with that she vanished further into the house, Greed following shortly after, leaving Avery, Ed, Envy, and the others alone in the room. Ed turned to Avery,
"Do you need anything Avery?"
He asked, moving closer to her. She shook her head,
"I'm alright for now. Thank you though. That's nice of you to ask."
She gave him a friendly smile and he blushed slightly and smiled back,
"Sure! No problem!"
He said enthusiastically before laying down on the couch,
"I think I'm gonna go to sleep too. Night everyone. Night Avery."
"Night Ed."
Avery said as Kai and the others followed her to her room.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora