Let Out The Beast

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Avery slowly blinked her eyes open as she felt a frigid cold sensation around her legs. She looked down in confusion to find her legs were encased in ice, rendering her immobile,

"So you've finally awoken, Avery."

Isabel's smooth voice slithered past her lips and floated through the air like a deadly toxin. Avery glared daggers at the woman in front of her as she spoke,

"Isabel, stop this. They've done nothing to you-!"

"Oh but that is where you're wrong. You see, I offered these boys protection. I granted them their true potential. Once I gave them the gifts of the Moon Runners and Night Feeders, they repaid me by turning on me, Lay especially. He's the one who attempted to kill me!"

Isabel's voice rose in anger, a sadistic fury in her eyes as she motioned to Baekhyun, who was at her side,

"Bring him."

She spoke wickedly. Baekhyun nodded, eyes blank as he moved to a small room that had been dug out of the wall. He pulled someone by the arm and threw them on the ground in front of Isabel. Avery's eyes widened in horror,


She screamed at the bruised man before her. He looked up at her with a sad, broken smile,

"Avery, I'm so sorry-"

He was cut off by Baekhyun kicking him in the stomach. Lay coughed painfully as blood slipped past his busted lip. Avery struggled in the ice as she yelled,

"Baekhyun stop! I know you can hear me! Stop this! Please!"

Her cries fell on deaf ears as Kai moved towards Lay as well, mimicking Baekhyun as he kicked him. Isabel watched in sadistic pleasure as she spoke,

"He tried to kill me. Seems only fitting his own should kill him. After they do, I'll make them kill you. Then, I'll release their minds and let them see what they've done. Once they realize they've brutally murdered the two of you, I'll burn them all!"

Avery's eyes flicked back to Lay, she knew his healing abilities would not be able to save him. Anger began to burn white hot inside of her, and suddenly, she felt a wet substance on her lower legs. Glancing down, Avery realized that she had melted the ice. Grinning in satisfaction, Avery conjured a ball of fire in her left hand and launched it towards Kai and Baekhyun. The vampires reeled back in pain and retreated from Lay. Isabel's head snapped to look at Avery in shock,

"What have you... no matter, boys! Kill the girl!"

Avery moved to a fighting stance as she watched the boys. She saw Chen move first, firing a shot of lightning at her. Thinking on her feet, Avery absorbed the lightning, passed it through her stomach, and then shot it out of her fingertips towards Suho, knowing the lightning would do the most damage to him because of his relationship with water. The lightning struck his chest and he cried out in pain before falling to the floor, unconscious, but alive. Avery then turned her attention back to Chen and, harnessing Xiumin's power of frost, completely froze him in place, leaving only his head unfrozen. The next thing Avery heard was a deep growling coming from behind her. Turning, she saw that Tao, Xiumin, Luhan, and Kris had turned into wolves. Harnessing Chanyeol's power of the flame, Avery created a large ring of fire around them, trapping the wolves. Avery then turned her attention to the remaining vampires: D.O., Chanyeol, and Sehun. D.O. used his control of the earth to cause the ground at Avery's feet to fall away. Using Kris' power of flight, she easily levitated above the chasm, and used Luhan's telekinesis to slam him back, along with Sehun and Chanyeol. Once all eleven men were subdued, Avery turned to Isabel with a fire in her eyes that caused the witch to take pause. Avery summoned ice to freeze Isabel's entire body and, before she could respond, froze time. Avery picked up a nearby burnt out torch and brought it down on Isabel with all the force she had, shattering the witch into a million pieces.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now