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When Avery woke up the next morning she found herself alone in Chen's bedroom. Confused, she left and went downstairs, but stopped when she heard them talking,
"I'm not sure having her here is a good idea. She looks like Isabel. I'm not sure we can trust her."
Lay said, concern lacing his voice,
"But what do we do? I mean... It isn't her." Tao said quietly,
"I know. She's much different from Isabel... Much kinder. More compassionate. It's nice." Luhan added softly,
"But what do we do? The others will come for her eventually." Xiumin spoke up,
"Then we can't let them take her,"
Kris' deep voice resonated throughout the room,
"Besides, I think she likes it here."
The others hummed in affirmation,
"But.... Why does Avery look like Isabel?" Chen finally asked.
None of them seemed to have an answer. That's when Avery decided to enter the room,
"Hey guys." She said as they began to sniff the air, then walked closer to her,
"Chen, why is your scent all over her?"
Tao growled as he leaned in to sniff her neck. Avery tensed,
"Tell me, Chen."
Chen smirked,
"I was kissing her neck."
Everyone's eyes flashed amber as they looked at Chen, while Tao's grip on Avery's waist tightened, making her gasp in both surprise and pain as his nails dug into her.
Chen saw the look on her face and was in front of them in a heartbeat, glaring at Tao,
"Get your hand off her waist." He growled, eyes burning a deep amber as Tao smirked,
"What are you going to do about it?"
He pulled Avery closer, making her squeak.
Chen growled more, pulling Avery away from Tao and lunging at him, sending them toppling to the ground,
"Avery move!"
Luhan grabbed her arm and pulled her into his chest, her back to him as he secured his arms around her waist,
"If you get involved you might get hurt. Stay back. Let the others handle it."
Avery watched as Chen and Tao fought, tumbling out the window and turning into wolves. Avery gasped as she saw them turn into wolves; Chen a midnight black and slightly smaller than Tao. They circled each other threateningly, growling, waiting for the right time to strike.
Lay moved to stand between them while Kris got behind Tao and Xiumin got behind Chen. They looked at each other and nodded, then jumped on Tao and Chen to hold them down,
"Get ahold of yourselves! Calm down!"
They tried to calm them but to no avail, until Avery broke free from Luhan's grip and moved in between them,
"Avery stop!"
Luhan yelled to her but she ignored him, moving to sit in between Chen and Tao,
"Hey Chen. Hey Tao," she reached out to pet each of them, making them growl softly,
"Shhh it's okay. It's me. You're okay." She cooed as they began to calm down, moving closer to her and resting their heads in her lap,
"You're okay now. It's all okay." She continued softly, petting both of them. The others gaped at her in shock. No one has ever been able to calm them in that state. Not even Isabel, Luhan thought as he watched then reverted back to their human forms. 
The others exchanged knowing glances as a thought passed through all of their heads,
Just who is this girl?

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu