Campfires and plans

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As Avery and the others traveled to Central City, she began thinking of a plan on how they could help save Hunter,
We can't just waltz into Bradley's office and say, "hey would you mind giving my friend here her brother back? Oh and removing the mind blocks and letting us live peacefully would be great, thanks!" We'd have to get his attention, yes, but how-
Avery was jolted from her thoughts as she accidentally walked face first into a tree,
She said sarcastically as she rubbed a spot on her forehead that led past her hairline. Tao came running over with the others trailing behind them, the loud sound drawing the boys from their bickering,
"Avery are you okay?!"
He asked worriedly, concern written all over his face,
"I'll be okay. Just a little bruise probably is all. Don't worry guys I'll live."
She added sarcastically as she watched all six of them go between worrying for her and glaring at the others as a silent way of saying "this is all your fault!" And "now she's injured cause you distracted me!"
Avery decided to ignore this and kept walking down the road, hoping that in due time they would learn to get along. After a few minutes one of the boys spoke up,
"I'm sorry you got hurt, Avery. We should've been watching-"
"Kris I promise I'm alright. I'd tell you if I wasn't."
"No you wouldn't."
"If it was serious enough I would."
She smirked as he sighed,
"Alright just be careful. By the way how did you miss the huge tree in front of your path? It wasn't hiding."
"I know. I was just lost in thought about how to get Hunter is all."
This time Kai spoke up,
"Any ideas how to get him."
"Not yet. I've been thinking though. Bradley won't just hand him over with a smile on his face. This will require loads of planning."
Kai nodded,
"That's true. How about we make camp and discuss this further? It's already 8:30."
"Alright. I think I can see a clearing a little farther."
Avery said as the boys followed her to the clearing,
"I'll pitch the tent. Chen, can you prepare the food?"
Kris asked. Chen gave a crooked smile,
"Definitely! Anything special or just whatever I can make?"
"Whatever you make will be fine."
"Alrighty. It'll be ready in a few."
And with that, Chen went to work with the food while Tao and Kris pitched the tent,
"I guess we'll go get firewood."
Baekhyun said, motioning to Kai to follow him as they went into the wooded area near the clearing,
"Alright guys. Be careful!"
Avery said. They nodded and walked off, Kai turning to blow a kiss to Avery as they left, who in turn rolled her eyes and laughed as Kai smirked before Baekhyun thwacked him upside the head. Kai laughed and turned towards Baekhyun as the disappeared into the dark woods.
Avery turned around and smiled softly,
Kai really is a flirt huh? She thought to herself, he is pretty cute though. I still feel that... whatever it was from the first time he bit me whenever he does stuff like that, only no where near as intense as when he bit me. I should ask him about that when they get back.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Luhan plunking himself down next to her,
"Hi Avery."
He said cheerfully,
"Hey Luhan. How are you holding up?"
He shrugged,
"Pretty good. I'm glad you asked me to come along. It's nice to get away from everyone once in a while, y'know? How about you? You holding up alright?"
She nodded,
"For the most part. I'm a little nervous about seeing Rose though. It's been a while. I know she's going to be thrilled to see me, but I'm scared she might not like what I have to say. And that's if she believes me."
Avery sighed, clearly exasperated and stressed. Luhan frowned and put his arm around her shoulder,
"I know how you feel. I was in a situation a long time ago where I had to  tell someone something. I didn't know how they would take it, but I knew that they had to know. So I told them."
Avery turned to look at him,
"How did they take it? The person?"
Luhan hesitated a little, then began to speak,
"At first they didn't want to believe it. But after they thought about it they realized that I told them because I cared about them, even though I was scared to tell them I knew that I couldn't keep that from them."
Avery nodded, thinking about his words,
"Thank you, Luhan. I feel better about telling Rose. I just.. I don't want her to think I'm lying or-or to completely deny it and try to prove me wrong or something to that extent."
Avery took a deep breath and leaned against Luhan's shoulder,
"Maybe I'm worrying too much."
Luhan chuckled,
"You are. But that just shows you care about her."
Avery smiled slightly,
"Yeah. I guess you're right."
Luhan smiled and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. About half an hour later Kai and Baekhyun emerged from the woods carrying a decent amount of firewood,
"We're back!"
Baekhyun announced,
"Did you miss us?"
Kai asked as Luhan rolled his eyes,
"Not even a little."
"Awe man!"
Kai put his head down in mock hurt, then looked over to Avery,
"I bet you missed us right Avery?"
Avery smiled lightly,
"I'm glad you both made it back all right. Now, let's get this fire started."
She said as the two vampires emptied the sticks and small logs into the designated spot in the center of camp. After Baekhyun had started the fire, Chen announced that dinner was ready and everyone gathered around the fire to eat,
"Thank you Chen. This looks very good."
Avery said kindly, eyeing the unknown food in front of her,
"Thanks! It's my specialty."
He smiled proudly and puffed out his chest, ego flaring,
"Not bad."
Baekhyun murmured as the others nodded in agreement,
"So Avery, do. you have an idea on how to get Hunter?"
Kris asked. She nodded slowly,
"Sort of. I know that we can't just walk into Bradleys office and ask for Hunter. The only way we could get in is if one of us somehow was able to infiltrate the group of Homunculi. I read in the report that their are five others: Envy, Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, and Sloth. There was one other, Lust, but she was killed by someone named Mustang. Roy Mustang if I remember correctly. Maybe we'd have to secretly follow one of them back or get captured by one of them. I'm not sure but that's all I have right now. Rose will probably know better how to go about it."
Avery concluded. Tao looked at her and said quietly,
"This sounds like it could be very dangerous for you Avery. And for Rose. Are you sure that going is a good idea."
"Yes. I made a promise to her and I intend to keep it. Besides, I have no right to keep what I know from her. I care for her enough to tell her."
Luhan looked over at her, lips parted s if to speak, but closed then and smiled knowingly at her words,
"I just.. I hope I can help."
Avery said softly, looking into the flames of the fire. She saw many images dancing in it, but only two that stood out the most and began to flicker back and forth in the flames, the other images lost. A pack of wolves howling at the full moon, and a small clan of vampires watching them intently, as the moon began to bleed.

A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now