The Darkling Stage

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Once they were safely on the second floor, Avery turned to Kai,

"My room is at the far end of the hall right there,"

She pointed to her right to the door on the wall next to the staircase as she spoke,

"so the only way to go is left. Which room should we start with?"

Kai pointed to the door directly in front of them,

"That's my room. The one next to it is Baekhyun's. The one next to him is Chanyeol so we can start there. Or we can split up to save time and I'll go into Suho's room right next door. It's your call."

Avery thought for a moment before responding,

"Let's split up. You'll only be one room over so we can still hear each other. If I see anything that doesn't look right I'll come get you. Deal?"

Kai nodded uneasily, squeezing her hand before disappearing into Suho's room while Avery went into Chanyeol's room. She stepped in hesitantly and began looking around. Nothing seemed out of place, except for the amount of dust over everything in the room. The wall opposite the door was lined with bookshelves filled with books, all of which were covered in dust. The carpet was faded along with the wallpaper. Avery turned to her left and saw a large, ornate bed with blood red sheets that she saw peeking out from the bottom of the jet black canopy drapes,

That's... odd

Avery thought as she cautiously approached the drapes and, against her better judgement, pulled it back,

"Kai!!!! Oh my god, Kai, get in here!!"

She yelled worriedly. Seconds later he was at her side,

"Avery what is it? What's wrong?"

He asked in confusion. She pulled back the drape again and his eyes widened,

"Oh shit... what the hell happened to him?"

Kai asked, eyes wide with shock as both of them stared down at Chanyeol. His skin was a sickly, dull grey, and his eyes were closed. Black veins protruded from the corners of his lips and his hair was an icy white. His hands were folded neatly over his stomach and his nails were black. He was wearing a black Trenchcoat with pants, boots, and a button down shirt to match. His cheeks were slightly sunken in. Kai looked at his friend with horror mixed with confusion,

"He looks... oh god... he looks like he hasn't fed in decades... what happened here?"

He asked quietly. Avery tilted her head towards Kai as she asked him a question, eyes never leaving Chanyeol,

"Why would he look like that if he hasn't fed?"

Kai hesitated as he gathered his thoughts before responding,

"Well... the blood is what allows us to continue looking young, as you know. It's our lifeline, no pun intended. If we don't get it we... change. We fall to what we call The Darkling Stage. In that stage, all we feel is hunger. We can't stop ourselves. We become the very predator that parents tell their children about at night."

Avery looked at Kai, worry in her eyes as she continued to question him,

"Is there a way to reverse it?"

"He'd have to drain every drop of blood from a victim and kill them."

"His ability to smell blood-"

"Heightened beyond belief. Their sight also changes. They don't see like you and I do, they see in black and white. The only color they see is the deep red of a beating heart, amber if it's an animal. They can still see you, just not in color. The pulsing red light from each heart beat is bright so he probably won't be able to see your face. I've never seen a vampire that was able to stave off the hunger... it burns you to resist."

Avery looked back to Chanyeol and saw the corner of his lip twitch slightly. She gasped and stepped back,

"Kai we need to leave. Now."

He gave her a questioning look as she pointed to Chanyeol, whose lip twitches again. Kai put an arm around Avery and quickly led her from the room, locking the door behind them. They looked at each other as she glanced at the door to Suho's room,

"What did-"

"Exactly the same. I didn't pull the drapes back though. Now I'm not sure I want to."

Kai said, cutting her off. She looked inside the room and went in, pulling back the drape to confirm what she already knew,

"He's like Chanyeol. Kai, go check on Sehun. I don't think I should go in."

He said, teleporting into Sehun's room as Avery left Suho's. He came over to her shortly after,

"He's the same. They've all entered Darkling Stage. I've locked Sehun and Suho in their rooms. We have to get you out of here."

He held her close to him as he tried to teleport out of the house. The black smoke enveloped them, but when the smoke cleared they stood in shock and fear upon realizing where they were. Kai's attempt to leave the house backfired horribly. Instead of being outside in front of the mansion they were trapped inside Chanyeol's room, his body beginning to twitch as the scent of her blood floated to him. Kai and Avery looked at each other in fear when they realized the danger of their situation: They were trapped in Chanyeol's room, the door locked from the outside, and, Avery can't be certain, but she could've sworn she saw a woman who looked just like her in the corner of her eye, glaring at them coldly before vanishing from view.

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