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After dinner, Avery pulled Kai aside away from the others,
"Hey I.. need to talk to you. It's important."
Kai smirked, a playful look in his eye,
"Alrighty. Let's talk in my tent. The others won't bother us in there."
Avery nodded as they made their way to his tent and slipped inside. Once they were inside, Avery turned to him,
"I want to ask you something."
"You can ask me anything, darling."
He said in a flirty tone. She smiled slightly, feeling more at ease, and began,
"When you bit me that night.. I felt something. It was like an intense feeling of desire and passion. Much different from when Baekhyun bit me."
Kais jaw clenched at the mention of the dirty blonde, but stayed silent,
"When he bit me.. I still felt desire but it was a different kind. Almost like a lustful desire. When you bit me it was more passion and desire combined. Ever since then, when you do certain things that might be flirty or if you touch me it's like this... I'm not sure how to explain it. It isn't the surge I felt when you bit me, but it's like a subtle tug at my mind."
Avery looked up to find Kai gazing at her intently, thinking on her words,
"I know what you're talking about."
He said, his voice deep and slightly husky,
"Why is it happening?"
Avery questioned. He hesitated slightly before he spoke,
"When I bit you, I did not just taste your blood. I bonded us emotionally. Any emotion I feel towards you, you feel too. The desire and passion you felt that night was mine. You felt it when I blew a kiss at you, didn't you?"
Avery blinked,
"How did you know that's what I was referring to?"
"Because I felt it too."
"You did?"
"Yes. Any emotion I feel towards you, you'll feel. Here I'll demonstrate."
His tone turned flirty as he held her waist and pulled her gently to him. He looked lovingly into her eyes and, cupping her cheek in his left hand, leaned in and kissed her. When their lips met, Avery felt a surge of passion and desire in equal measure flow through her. She placed her hands on his chest and leaned in, deepening the kiss. After a while he pulled away,
He smirked at her. She giggled,
"Hehe yes I do. I didn't think it would be that powerful though."
"Well yeah... about that,"
He held her close again and pressed a kiss on her thrumming pulse in her neck,
"Any romantic feeling I have toward you is amplified when you feel it."
He whispered hotly before pulling back and kissing her forehead,
"You should get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us from what I understand."
Avery nodded slightly and turned to leave,
"Thank you, Kai. For explaining it to me."
She smiled softly and he smirked,
"No problem. Goodnight Avery."
"Goodnight Kai."
And with that, Avery was gone.
It's strange though. She never mentioned that she had those feelings towards Baekhyun after he bit her. Maybe...
Kai smirked to himself,

Maybe she doesn't want Baekhyun as much as he thinks she does. Or..
he sat bolt upright in his tent,
He hasn't touched her since then. But if he does... what if she feels it stronger for him? It's happened before...

Kai's jaw clenched at the thought of Baekhyun biting Avery again. Kai laid back down, trying to decide what to do.


A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now