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"Wait. Why can't I be a hybrid?"

Avery asked in confusion. Suho was the first to speak,

"Because only a hybrid can create another hybrid. None of us are hybrids."

Avery nodded. She glanced around at each of the twelve men in the room, locking eyes with the one she had grown to love and smiled at him,

"I want to be a vampire."

She saw the eyes of the wolves full slightly as the vampires brightened up, especially him. After a moment, Suho nodded,

"Then as the leader of EXO-K, I welcome you. Come on, let's go back to the mansion and I'll explain how the process works."

Avery smiled and nodded,

"Alright. Let's go!"

She said enthusiastically. Suho smiled warmly at her as he led her, and the rest of the vampires, out of the tunnels back to the mansion. The walk back was quiet. Avery sensed a tension between the six vampires but was unsure why. Eventually, they arrived back at the mansion and gathered in the main room that had been restored to its former grandeur since Isabel's death. It was as if the room glowed with a new light. Avery sat down on the large sofa. The flat, ruined cushions were now a deep maroon. Avery smiled at the six men in the room,

"So how do I become a vampire?"

No one wanted to respond. Baekhyun turned to Suho,

"You need to be the one to tell her. You're our leader."

Suho nodded tersely and turned to Avery,

"When a vampire turns another vampire, that person is then bound to them for all eternity. In this case, you would begin to have strong feelings towards whomever turned you. You'd always want to be with them and they, in turn, would always want to be with you. The bond you already have with that person will be so incredibly powerful that the two of you would do anything for each other. Your feelings towards each other will increase tenfold. In short, the two of you will become inseparable. That being said, the person who turns you should be someone you already care about. You obviously chose to be a vampire because you want one of us to turn you. You're in love with one of us, Avery. The question is, which one? Who do you want to live the long flow of time with?"

Avery looked each of them in the eyes, stopping on the one she realized she loved. She smiled at him, then parted her lips to speak,

"I want..."


"Wait. Why can't I be a hybrid?"

Avery asked in confusion. Suho was the first to speak,

"Because only a hybrid can create another hybrid. None of us are hybrids."

Avery nodded. She glanced around at each of the twelve men in the room, locking eyes with the one she had grown to love and smiled at him,

"I want to be a wolf."

She saw the shoulders of the vampires drop in disappointment. Kris smiled at her brightly,

"I'm glad to hear it."

He then turned to the vampires,

"We need to speak with her alone about this. I'd appreciate it if all of you left."

Suho nodded silently as he led the vampires from the mansion. Kris, Avery, and the other wolves followed after and led her to the main room. Avery saw how the house had come alive in a sense after Isabel's death. The room pulsed with new life. She sat down on the sofa and looked at Kris,

"What is it that I need to know about becoming a wolf?"

Kris shifted uneasily before speaking,

"Well, whomever would turn you would become your mate in our pack. What that means is that whomever turns you, you'll feel drawn to them. You'll always want them with you. When they aren't there, you'll feel a sense of emptiness. You'll form an emotional bond. If they're upset or in pain, you'll feel it. It doesn't matter where you are. The two of you will be sharing a mind and heart in a sense. You have to make sure that the one you want to turn you is someone you are already in love with and that they are already in love with you. I know you chose to stay with us because you love one of us. You need to be completely honest, who do you want to turn you?"

Avery took a deep breath and locked eyes with the wolf who had her heart. She smiled at him and spoke,

"I want...."

Hey guys! I'll won't be updating for a little bit because I'm going to write all twelve endings in one shot and post each chapter at the same time. Thank you so much for sticking with me and reading my book! I love all of you!


A Vampire's Desire, A Wolf's passion (EXO fanfic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon