Just Tonight

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LOU'S POV: Just Tonight – The Pretty Reckless

"Here we are, and I can't think from all the pills hey, start the car and take me home

Here we are, and you're too drunk to hear a word I say, start the car and take me home

Just tonight, I will stay, and we'll throw it all away

When the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right"

"I don't know, Ashton," I shake my head with a smile.

We've been at the club for a total of fifteen minutes (he went to pick me up before we joined the other boys) and he's already babbling about work and music and duets I should be part of on their deluxe edition of the album.

The more-than-a-little tipsy boy nods fiercely.

"I'm serious! It would be a-ma-zing."

"I'm sure it would be," I grin, unable to fall prey to his enthusiasm, "but to be honest, I don't know if it would go over well with Luke."

My throat almost closes in as I say his name, but I force myself to keep a straight face, pretending like the mere existence of the boy tugs at my heartstrings. I know that he's here somewhere, probably getting his dick wet and drinking his weight in alcohol, but I have no clue if he knows I am. I wonder what he'd do if he knew, but to be honest, he probably couldn't give less of a fuck. Ashton's smile melts into a pout.

"I don't understand what went wrong between the two of you... It's shit."

I start laughing then, abruptly and maybe a little hysterically.

"Yeah, it's really shit."

I down another drink before pulling out a packet of green from the pocket of my jacket. I raise an eyebrow.

"Wanna share?"

He shakes his head and gives me a tap on the shoulder, acknowledging that I am once again avoiding the subject, before going back towards the more crowded part of the room. I shrug and move to the back, where I can see a couple of other people huddled together around what I presume is weed. I say 'hi', show my packet and am immediately offered a filter and paper. I start rolling the joint the way Calum and Vince taught me a few weeks ago, and someone passes one around in the meantime.

The haze of the smoke goes to my head quite quickly, and I blame it on how little I'm eating these days. I keep it healthy, of course, (I'm watching myself) but my appetite is not what it was. By the time I've finished rolling, I'm already a little high.

"Is this pure?" Some guy asks me, pointing at my roll, and I nod a little smugly.

"Damn. Pass it on?"

I nod and take a few drags before passing it around to the other potheads, who smile in appreciation. Someone magically gets a guitar out and a few girls start singing while I take back possession of my joint and smoke it slowly.

I don't know how much time passes, seconds and minutes and hours blurring together in my head, before the girl next to me nudges me with her elbow. Through my half-closed lids, I can see the others still blowing smoke, some of them talking but most just enjoying the trip, like me. I blink slowly and turn to see her showing me a couple of white pills in her hand.

"Want some?"

I consider for a moment, laying my head against her shoulder.

"What is it?" I finally get out.

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