Chapter 7

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After a few minutes of standing outside in the cold, Tessa decided she wanted to go back to her dorm. It was getting late anyways, and she didn't feel like going back in there and being tortured by Will again. She began to walk home, since her dorm wasn't too far away from the main building. She started to become lost in her thoughts, when she felt a hand on her arm.

She turned around to see Jem. He was dressed in jeans and a brown jacket, and he was smiling at her. She immediately smiled at him.

"Jem. What are you doing here?" Tessa asked.

"I was just leaving after seeing a friend here." He replied. "What about you?"

"I was with my friends here, I was just heading home." She said.

They were both silent for a moment.

"Do you want to go for a coffee?" Jem blurted out suddenly.

Tessa smiled. "Sure."

They were about to start walking, when she remembered.

"Oh, I left my jacket in there. I have to go get it." She said.

"I'll come with you." Jem replied.

They both walked back into the building, and towards her friends. Tessa immediately started to glare at Will, who began to smirk at her, but then it disappeared when he saw Jem.

"Oh, Tessa, good you came back." Clary smiled.

"No, I'm only grabbing my jacket." She explained.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle asked.

"Jem and I are going for coffee." Tessa replied.

"Aw, princess is going out without me? But I told Tatiana we had made plans." Will grinned devilishly.

"I'm not speaking to you." Tessa glared at him.

Then, and Tessa wasn't sure how, Will was suddenly standing in front of her. They were only inches apart.

"Why not, Tess?" He whispered, a faint smirk on his face.

Her mouth had suddenly become dry, and she swallowed hard. "I think you know why."

Will was silent for a moment, smirked, and then in a very loud voice said "Oh was it because we kissed that time?"

Isabelle's mouth fell open. "You guys kissed?"

"Are you two a thing?" Jem asked, wide eyed.

Tessa turned very red. "We did not kiss. We've never kissed, I don't know what you're talking about."

She turned to Jem. "We're definitely not a thing."

"Aw, Tess, you're breaking my heart." Will smirked.

"You're an idiot, why are you trying to ruin my chance with Jem?" Tessa whispered harshly, turning back to Will.

"What? I would never do that." Will replied innocently.

"Asshole." She snapped.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Tessa grabbed Jem by the arm and walked towards the exit. It was when they were finally outside and walking that Tessa finally let go of him.

"Sorry about that." She muttered.

"I didn't know you were friends with Will Herondale." Jem spoke simply.

Tessa scoffed. "I'm not. I'm just friends with his sister."

"Well he seems to think of you as a friend." He replied.

She laughed out loud. "Trust me, he doesn't. I think he hates me. He's so confusing. One moment he's joking around with me, and the next he's being so rude and mean to me. I can't keep up with him."

"I don't know, I think he likes you. As a friend." Jem quickly added on at the end.

Tessa only remained silent. It took them two of them about five minutes to walk to the nearest Starbucks. They both got a coffee, and took a seat at one of the tables. She willed herself to forget about the incident with Will, and to focus on Jem.

"So," He started. "Tell me about yourself."

"Well, my real name is Theresa. I have a brother who is two years older than me, his name is Nate. I've always loved to read ever since I was young, and my favourites are the classics." Tessa explained, smiling slightly. "Your turn."

"Hmm well, I don't have any siblings but I've always been close with my cousins. I was born in China and moved to London when I was twelve years old. I've been playing the violin ever since I was twelve, as well, and it's my favourite thing to do." Jem smiled.

"That's so cool. I've always wished that I could play an instrument. You'll have to play for me sometime." Tessa grinned.

Jem smiled at her, and she blushed slightly. After about an hour, they both decided to go home. Tessa bid Jem farewell and walked into her dorm building. She walked into her room, to see Clary sitting on her bed drawing.

"Hey." Clary smiled. "How was your date?"

Tessa blushed slightly. "I wouldn't call it a date, really. We just went for coffee."

"Whatever you say." Clary smirked, and then it disappeared. "Will left around the time you did."

Tessa rolled her eyes at the mention of him. "God, he's such an idiot. I don't know why he always feels the need to bother me."

The red haired girl sighed. "I know. I mean, he teases us all sometimes, but with you it's like he makes sure to be asshole."

"He's attractive. Really attractive, but he ruins it by being so rude." Tessa frowned.

"I think he likes you." Clary spoke suddenly. "And Will doesn't like a lot of people."

Tessa started to chuckle. "No, he doesn't like me. He treats me horribly."

"That's the way Will shows his 'affection' I guess you could call it." Clary continued. "I don't know, I just have a feeling."

Tessa only shrugged, and went to their tiny bathroom to get changed. Though, she couldn't stop thinking about what both Clary and Jem had said. Could it be true? Could Will like her as a friend? Honestly, she didn't really care if he did or not, but she couldn't help but wonder. Maybe he did feel about that way about her. She could only wonder.

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