Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


We finally finished the meet and greets and headed backstage. “Niall, you are SO bad at hiding your emotions!” Harry laughed behind me.

“SHUT UP!” I yelled, while turning around to smack his arm playfully.

“What was the girls name again, Annabelle?” Harry asked.

“Of course! Who could ever forget, ‘That’s a gorgeous name!’” Liam chimed in, both of them in a fit of laughter.

“Yeah. That was it.” I mumbled. I unwillingly blushed, showing the truth.

“I KNEW IT! You are so head over heels for her!” Harry yelled. I looked down, but nodded slightly. “Dude. Why?” I immediately looked up.

“Did you see her?!” I yelled, a little too loud.

“Well, yeah. Obviously. Who didn’t? Sure. She was pretty, but you don’t know anything about her!” Harry quickly defended himself.

“Well, yeah. I know. But, when she was walking away. She pulled something out of her purse, I think it might have been the backstage pass. If it was, I’ll know her well enough to know if I want to know her more by the end of the night.” I looked down again, hiding the rush of blood to my cheeks that came when I realized I admitted how much thought I’d put into this.

“Wow. You’ve really thought about this,” Harry nudged me, “maybe we should find out who the backstage girl is?” I started shaking my head before he finished.

“No, I want to be surprised. And I don’t want to be disappointed before a concert, anyways.” I smile, hearing the screams that always accompany the five minute countdown. “Come on, let’s do this!” We ran to the stage entrance together.


I watched the boys run on stage and couldn’t help but let out a little scream of anticipation. My mom stood beside me, really getting into the whole 

boy-crazed-fan air we were engulfed in. I looked over at her, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She was a dork, but she was my dork.

I looked back up at the stage and saw Niall, he was looking this way, but I couldn’t tell what at. I waved a little and smiled. I wasn’t sure, but I thought maybe I saw a hint of a smile on his face. I saw Harry come over and elbow Niall in the side. He fell back a little and nodded. Those boys were odd.

“Hey everyone, how are you?” The entire arena filled with screams. “That’s, uh. That’s great! I’m glad you guys are having a good time! Are you guys ready for an amazing concert?” The arena filled with screams all over again. “Awesome! So, how about we get started?!” Harry finished his blurb as the intro to “Up All Night” started playing.


“Wow! That was exhilarating!” I said to my mom, who looked at me and smiled.

“It sure was! I’m glad you enjoyed yourself! I did too!” I laughed, remembering the look on her face. She loved it, she’ll never admit it, but they’ll hold a place in her heart for a long time.

“I did Mom! Thanks again!” I smiled.

“No problem hun.” I’ll go to the hotel, you text me when you’re close to being done!” I nodded. My mom could only get one backstage pass, so we got a hotel room in the hotel next to the arena. This way I could just walk over there when I finished backstage. I thought it was a pretty good idea.

“Alright Mom. I love you, see you later!” She smiled.

“Love you too!” I waved and headed toward the “BACKSTAGE. V.I.P. ONLY” sign. Butterflies flying around in my stomach. Will they remember me?

Author's Note: 

    I'm actually going to rewrite every single author's note, so they actually pertain to this chapter. All the chapters are long now! I hope you like it, I wouldn't want to screw everyone up. LOVE YOU GUISE!

    Vote, comment, share, and fan. Please please please! 

    Much Love,


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