Chapter 12

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“A Skype date? What the hell is that?” I said, already panicking. A Skype anything meant I would have to change out of the sweatpants and hoodie I had gotten into throughout the call.

“Well. You get dressed up,” I mentally groaned. How did I know that was happening? “and you make food, and you eat, on Skype.” He explained. I had actually heard of it before, but I didn’t know people actually did it. Woah, wait. Was he asking me on a date?

“Wait. Are you asking me on a date?” I said, obviously shocked.

“Well, yeah. A Skype date.” He said, obviously confused. “Why is this coming as such a shock? Are you going to do it? Am I getting rejected?” I could hear his voice rising, and Harry laughing in the background.

“HEY! ANNABELLE! PUT HIM DOWN EASY!” He yelled. I guess Niall gave him a look, because he kind of whimpered right after he said it.

“No! You aren’t getting rejected! I’d love to. I just, I wasn’t really expecting it is all.” I said, going back to the conversation at hand. He sighed loudly. I laughed. “Did you really think I would say no?”

“Well, I mean. You’re pretty. I didn’t know if maybe you weren’t single. Or, if you didn’t… Nevermind. I’m just glad you said yes!” I laughed again. Me? Not single? Like, once in my life.

“Well. Thanks. But, no. I’m single. I’m always single, if you must know. What time am I supposed to be ready at?” I asked.

“I was thinking, like, five?” He said, sounding nervous. Truthfully, I was nervous too.

“That sounds great. How dressed up am I getting for this?” I asked, fidgeting.

“Well, I’m wearing a nice shirt, and jeans. Wear whatever you’d normally wear. I mean, if it’s an excuse for me to see you in a dress, then, by all means, go for it.” He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I suppose I will. I’ve got a lot to do now though. What are we eating? Do we have to eat the same thing?” I said, already up and looking through my closet for something to wear.

“You can eat whatever you want. I’m just going to order room service.” He said, obviously bragging.

“I’m sticking my tongue out at you, just so you know. I’m going to have alfredo, we have some left over from last night. I cooked.” I said, proud of myself. I had decided on a summer dress I bought recently and had been dying to wear. It was dark blue, and somewhat V-cut. It went down to about mid thigh. It was kind of sexy, but not really.

“I’m sure you are. You cook?” He asked sarcastically.

“Actually, yes. I do. At least once a week, thank you very much.” I said, snapping playfully.

“Well, that’s a shocker. But that’s good, the kitchen is where a woman belongs.” He said, jokingly.

“Oh, now it’s on mister!” I said, laughing. “Niall, if you want me to be ready by five. I’m going to have to go. Now.” I said, seriously.

“It’s going to take you that long to get ready?” He asked, shocked.

“You want me to look nice or do you want me to call you in the sweats and hoodie I’m in now?” I asked sarcastically.

“That’s when you’re the prettiest.” He said. I blushed slightly.

“Yeah, yeah. Quit quoting Drake and let me get ready!” I joked. He agreed, and we said goodbye. I started getting ready, sighing when I realized it was already three.

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