Chapter 10

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I finally told Niall I had to go around  4AM. My mood had gone from desperation to happiness during that phone conversation, and that really says something.

“Okay, okay. You can go! But, you have to text me when you wake up.” Niall compromised.

“Yeah, that’ll be in about an hour, you going to be awake?” I asked, smiling.

“WHAT?! What time is it there? Are we in different time zones? I don’t think so?” He yelled.

“SH! No, it’s four. I get up at 5:30.” I explained.

“Oh. Well, I don’t know if I will be up, but text me, and we’ll find out.” 

“Okay, I will.” I agreed, ready to hang up.

“Wait, Annabelle?”

“Yes Niall?”

“It was nice talking to you.” he said. I laughed quietly.

“It was nice talking to you, too, Niall. Now, goodnight!” I whispered.

“Goodnight.” I could hear the smile in his voice. I smiled, hanging up the phone, and laying down. I was really glad I called him, although at first I hated myself for it. My parent’s arguments weren’t really even my business, they were just so bad. I could never deal with them. When my dad came home, around two in the morning, he went straight to bed, thinking everyone was asleep. I was actually upstairs on the phone, but my mom had long since gone to bed.

I thought about the conversation Niall and I had. After he asked about my mom, we talked about anything. We covered a lot, with Harry, or Liam, or Zayn, or even Louis jumping in on occasion. Niall told me how Harry was concerned, so I talked to him, setting his mind at ease. I teased him a little, but I was happy to know he actually cared. I finally drifted off to sleep, thinking about the next day.


I woke about two hours later, oversleeping and feeling absolutely horrible. I got ready, and texted Niall. I figured he wouldn’t be awake, but, low and behold, he texted back minutes later. I walked down the stairs to my kitchen, grabbing some chai tea for the road, quietly saying bye to my mom, and headed out the door. 

On my way to school, I listened to my One Direction CD. I only lived about 15 minutes away from the school, but I overslept enough that I was really pressed for time.

I pulled into the parking lot not a minute too soon, hearing the first bell ring as I walked up to the doors. I had about 15 minutes to talk.

“Well? Wait, woah. What happened to you?” Hannah asked, referring to my messy bun, and my t-shirt, sweatpants, and boots. I always dressed up for school.

“Late night. Well what?” I asked, playing dumb a little.

“Was it your parents?” She asked, the concert forgotten.

“Yeah.” I said, looking down a little. “You didn’t answer last night.”

“I know, I’m sorry. My mom and I were shopping, and because of the time, I figured it was something that you didn’t want everyone to hear.” I nodded, understanding.

“Yeah, I understand. Thanks for thinking about that. I wouldn’t have.” I said, knowing she really just didn’t want to talk about it. My family made her uneasy. She wasn’t used to it, which I understood.

“So, how was the concert?” She asked, excited.

“Oh, you know, it was fun.” I said, not really wanting to talk about it, I was tired.

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