Chapter 8

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That picture is really good. Look at all of us? Your pearly whites are exceptionally white.(; Are you sure? I can get Harry on the phone. He is rather descriptive.(: 

-I will get as cocky as I want to.(:

P.S. I guess I will admit I blushed quite a bit. Why will always be a mystery, however.

I smiled, we were still in the tour bus, although now we had food, which was a plus. We had stopped at a McDonalds to hold us over until we stopped for the night. I got a cheeseburger, French fries, and a Dr. Pepper. I was sitting on the bottom bunks in the tour bus with the boys, eating, laughing, and just having a good time. “You talking to Anna?” Liam asked. He was the only one who took it seriously all the time, although I am sure any of them would be there in a heartbeat if I had a serious issue.

“Yes, actually. Look!” I showed them all the picture of all of us. It was my screensaver, so of course Harry had to poke fun.

“I’m telling you, you’re a puppy! She took over your screensaver!” I chuckled.

“I took over hers too. She asked if she should make it of you instead.” I joked.

“Well, if she wants… She can always get an exclusive shot.” Harry playfully winked. I smacked him, laughing.

“I don’t think she wants that, at all. Her screensaver is of me eating a damn pickle, I don’t think she’s going to make that much of a jump!” I laughed, and the rest of the band soon followed.

Well, thanks. I do like the picture. I already changed it to my FaceBook profile picture.(: I don’t want to talk to Harry. I would just ignore him, anyways.

-I can fix that.

P.S. I know why, no reason to admit it. I got Liam’s number too. He told me all about it. He didn’t tell you?

I laughed, which made Harry curious. “What?” He asked, already pulling the phone away from me. I gave it up, watching his expression change from a smile, to a gaping hole as he read the messages. “Oh. No. You. Didn’t.” He said.

“Of course I did. You’re a popular topic of discussion, a funny one at that.” I joked.

“Oh I just can’t believe you!” He yelled, throwing my phone at me and jokingly hiding his face behind a pillow. “Louis, you should be embarrassed too.” Louis laughed.

“Harry, I’ve heard it all. I don’t care too much, I’m sure they’re kidding.” I nodded at Louis, but kept the charade up with Harry.

“Oh, no Louis. Anna thinks Harry and you are 100% gay. She’s told me she always thought Harry was cute, but due to his sexuality, never gave it much thought.” I winked at Louis, but gave Harry a sympathetic expression. “Maybe you shouldn’t go around making out with other men that you also happen to live with 85% of the time.” I joke, and finally can’t hold in the laughter anymore, taking in his expression. You could fit a whole donut in that thing! I snapped a picture before putting him at ease. “I’m kidding Harry, she doesn’t think you’re gay!” I explain, at which he throws his pillow at me.

“You bitch!” I laugh, and text her back.

Do you use FaceBook often? I just tricked Harry into thinking you thought he was gay. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIS FACE!!! Oh, wait. You can. I took a picture.(:

-I didn’t know you were dirty?(;

P.S. No, he didn’t, but I’m asking him about it, right now. What did he tell you?

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