Chapter 34

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She’s out with Zayn right now. She could be out with me, but I had to be an ass and ruin it all. I’m glad we’re friends, but I want it back to the way it was before so much that it hurts.

I don’t know what compelled me to ruin it all in the first place. I wasn’t drunk, I had only had one drink. Anna knew that, and Hannah did too.

Hannah… We weren’t even together anymore. After how she acted towards Anna, I couldn’t stomach being with her. She was spiteful and angry.


Hannah came into our room, looking as though she’d seen a ghost. I honestly didn’t know where she had gone off to, but now I felt like I should have shown more concern when she’d left. We were watching a movie when she just got up. I had heard the door next to ours open, telling me either Anna or Zayn had left their room. I hated that they shared a room, but I wasn’t about to open my mouth about it, not right after Anna and I were finally on speaking terms again. Rocky, but better than nothing at all.

She came and sat beside me, not saying anything. I finally turned to face her, opening my mouth to ask what was wrong.

“I hate her.” She said simply. I was about to question who, but it clicked as soon as she started talking again. “She’s a bitch. She’s done nothing but try and ruin every relationship I’ve ever had. She always tries to pick up my scraps. I liked you guys first, and she didn’t even take me with her to your concert. None if this would have happened had I just been there in the first place, but she’s too fucking selfish to bring me along.” I just sat there, not believing she could say something like that. Anna had always spoken so highly of her, she never had anything bad to say. Anna never had anything bad to say about anyone, even her parents. I opened my mouth to protest, but Hannah started talking again.

“She only ever talked about herself, anyways. It was always ‘oh, poor me. My parent’s fight. I’m going to pretend it’s the end of the world when everyone’s parents fucking fight.’ and ‘oh, feel bad for me because I’m an ugly sack of shit that no one dates.’ Honestly, Niall, what did you ever see in her?” Hannah continued, turning to face me. I was done. Right then and there. I wasn’t going to listen to her bash Anna like a piece of trash when she deserved so much more.

“Look, Hannah. You’re pissed. Cool, but I’m not going to sit here and listen to you bash someone who never once said one thing bad about you. She’s a great person, and we broke her. You picked up her trash. I don’t know about the past, but this time you’re the one who’s following in her footsteps. You’re acting like a hypocrite, and I just don’t know why she stuck around as long as she did. I’m not going to. Your personality is terrible. I mean, really? I just, I don’t understand.” I said, seething with anger.

“You know what Niall? I don’t know what I ever saw in you, either. You obviously weren’t that great if you were with her. You aren’t good enough. Not for anybody. I can’t wait to see you fall. Your band is going to continue, and your just going to be stuck here. Drooling over nasty girls like her.” She said, storming out of the hotel room.


Harry told me she ended up in his room, crying. She tried to kiss him, too. He kindly refused, getting her on the next flight home, instead. I appreciated that. I don’t know what I would have done had she stayed around.

Anna was hurt, and I knew that I couldn’t even begin to fix what I had done. I did what I did best, instead. I went back to the friend zone, admiring how strong she was from afar. Zayn would treat her better, anyways.

They’d been out all day, though. Did he know all of the little things about her? How nervous she was about kissing? How much she hated being in a swimsuit? Did he know she loved it when you play with her hair?

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