Chapter 16

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I awoke before Niall, and looked up at him from my spot on his chest. He smiled slightly in his sleep, looking very happy. I smiled. I liked the way he slept, it was soothing. I shook him awake softly.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” I said, smiling. He mumbled something about never getting any sleep. “Baby, we slept all day. We aren’t going to be able to sleep tonight at all.” He perked up at the way I ended that.

“I’m okay with that.” He said, winking at me. I laughed.

“I know you are. Hey, Niall. Is any of that vodka left?” I asked, blushing slightly. I didn’t really expect it to come out of my mouth, but I really did want some.

“Yeah, I’ve got an assortment of everything in my fridge. I didn’t know if you had any preferences.” He said, obviously embarrassed himself.

“Alright,” I said, getting up, “what’s your favorite?”

“I like that one.” He said, pointing to some foreign drink. It looked incredibly strong, so I mixed it with some juice.


I was feeling incredibly tipsy no more than three drinks later, proving how strong this alcohol really was. Niall was on drink five, and acting just as drunk as I was. I had taken a shower, and was in sweatpants and a tank top. I had my glasses on, but I kept tripping and knocking them off, so I set them by the nightstand. “Damn it Niall. What the hell did you do to me?” I asked, laughing as I sat down on the bed.

“Well, I plan on seducing you. You’re more likely to say yes when your judgment is impaired.” He laughed, sliding up behind me and kissing my neck softly. This wasn’t good, but I didn’t want to stop it in the state I was in. Niall was in sweatpants, with no shirt on. I was going to have to get used to that, I guess.

“Good luck with that one, mister.” I said, turning around and smiling at him. His eyes were dark with lust, and I could tell tonight was going to be fun. I looked at his lips, and looked back at his eyes. Telling him I wanted him to kiss me, still to shy to make the first move. He picked up the hint, leaning forward. I put my hands on his chest, playfully shoving him away. “You’ve got to catch me first.” I said, giggling, and rising from the bed. I ran out of the room, hiding in Harry’s closet. Niall came into his room seconds later.

“Annabelle. You’re such a fucking tease. Show yourself!” He said, laughing the whole time.

“Dude. Shut the fuck up. She’s in the damn closet. You need another condom?” Harry mumbled from his bed. Niall threw something from the floor at Harry, who then mumbled ‘Ow.’ Seconds later the door I was hiding behind was thrown open.

“There’s my girl!” Niall yelled, tickling me. I started laughing.

“Stop, stop! Niall! I’m ticklish!” I yelled. Niall picked me up, carrying me back to our room.

He threw me on the bed, laughing. He crawled on top of me, leaning down and giving me a kiss. “Now, do we know better than to be a tease?” he asked in mock seriousness. I nodded, still laughing. “Nope. I want to hear words.” He said, tickling me again. I tried to gasp out words between laughs.

“Al-alright! I’ll- I’ll never tease a-again!”

“Much better!” He said, laughing. He leaned down, touching his lips lightly to mine, before pulling away. I could tell it was supposed to be payback, but I was having none of it. I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine. He ran his fingers through my hair, and my hands were running up and down his back. I could feel his shoulders tense, and a shiver run through his body. I opened my mouth slightly, and he eagerly obliged to my unsaid request. He flipped us around so that he was on bottom, his hands finding the hem of my tank top. I broke our kiss momentarily so he could take it off, before hungrily kissing him again. His hands were trailing my stomach, and his mouth had traveled to my neck. He was sucking and biting hungrily right below my jaw line, and I could tell there was going to be a mark, but I didn’t care. I let out a soft moan.

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