Chapter 11

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We were on our way to Virginia. It was a relatively long drive, and I was excited because we got to sleep in a hotel for the night tomorrow. This was a nice change to the tour bus scenery. Not that I didn’t love the boys, but they could get a little obnoxious. Like, now, for instance. I was on the phone with Anna, and Harry was butting in every two seconds.

“Harry. If you want to talk to her so much, here. I’ve got to take a piss, anyways.” I said, irritated. He took the phone and I walked into the bathroom. Listening through the door, not really needing to go.

“ANNA! How’s life?” He yelled enthusiastically. I could tell she said something witty by the way his voice changed as he replied. “I did not talk to you last night.” He defended himself. I remember him calling her a bathroom whore, so yes, he did talk to her last night. I guess she remembered it too, because he was trying to dig himself out of that hole next. “Oh. Yeah, I guess I did say that. But you are!” I could hear the smile in his voice, he was like a brother to her, I was glad.

“’Kay Harry, you’re done. Say goodbye.” I said, smiling.

“Anna, loverboy is back, so I have to go. I’ll talk to you later, ‘kay?” Harry said, smiling. I ran at him and smacked him, which I guess Anna heard.

“Hey, Niall. Don’t kill him, I want to sometime.” She said, laughing. I grabbed the phone from Harry.

“I guess I shouldn’t have given him the phone.” I said, embarrassed.

“Awh! Is somebody embarrassed?” She taunted.

“Shut the hell up.” I mumbled.

“Hey, language!” She yelled.

“Coming from you? I think you might be worse than me.” I laughed.

“I am too much of a lady to be worse than you.” She said, dignified.

“Oh, sure.” I said sarcastically. We continued to talk. We never really talked about anything, it was just nice to hear her voice. Every once in a while she would zone out. I think maybe she was trying to read the book I “so rudely interrupted.” I’d say her name, and she’d snap back, obviously embarrassed. I finally let her go, around midnight, and went straight to sleep.


We were set to drive until four in the afternoon tonight, so I slept in. I didn’t wake up until about noon. Anna had church, so I had no reason to be awake anyways. I planned on asking her to do this thing Liam and his girlfriend, Danielle, did when we stayed in hotels. They always had a great time, and I really wanted to see Anna. I didn’t know how I was going to ask her, but I was excited. I really hoped she’d say yes.


After church, my family went out to eat. When I finally got home, it was around two in the afternoon, and I was beat. I had already let my phone ring three times from Niall, so I called him as soon as I got home. “Hey sorry. I had dinner with my mom and dad. What’s up?” I asked, sitting down on my bed.

“It’s alright, I figured you were busy. I’m sitting in my bunk, we’re about two hours away from our hotel! I’m so excited!” He said enthusiastically. I laughed.

“That’s great!” I said. “What are you planning on doing at this fine hotel?” I said sarcastically, figuring his answer would be something along the lines of sleep for 48 hours.

“Well, actually…”

Author's Note:

I'm tired, but I'm getting closer to being done! I actually didn't cut down that much on chapters. Gush darn it. I really wish I would have. I still want some information about this title. Do you have a recommendation? Or do you like Daydreamer? Or what about First Love? LET ME KNOW!

Vote, comment, share, and fan, if you want.(:

Much love,


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