Chapter 35

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          It was the morning before the boys’ last show. Wow, time really flew. Zayn and I were really close, honestly. I felt all the awkwardness fall away between Niall and me. We were able to joke like we used to, and I felt at ease with him again. Zayn told me he broke up with Hannah. I figured it would happen, I just didn’t imagine it happening so soon after they had gotten together.

          We had the night off, for which I was grateful. We had been going nonstop lately. I was tired, so I’m sure the boys were falling over themselves with exhaustion. I figured I would let them all sleep, and surprise them with breakfast when they woke. I stood up, stretching my arms over my head weakly, feeling the low ache in my bones that always comes from sleeping with somebody. Zayn slept awkwardly, which forced me to sleep in an awkward position as well.

           Zayn… I felt myself falling deeper for him every day. Just with little things, like the way he said good morning to me. The way he cared for me, and didn’t push me too much. He was careful and considerate. I knew I really liked him, but I didn’t know if he felt the same way. I also didn’t know if I was over Niall enough to like Zayn with all of me. 

          I snapped out of my daydream, walking into the little kitchen that was part of our hotel room. The color scheme was green and yellow, a much appreciated change to the usual creams and golds. The appliances stood in a neat row, followed by a large granite countertop. The island in the middle was also a green granite color, with cabinet doors on the vertical surface. I opened one of those, pulling out the pans necessary to make pancakes and eggs. I even grabbed the stuff to make bacon, deciding to really treat the boys.

          Headphones in ear, I set about making the boys a vast array of breakfast dishes. Omelets, pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and cereal were starting to form in various places throughout the kitchen. I continued until the kitchen was cleaned, the food was laid out on the island, and I felt as though I’d cooked for an army.

          Finally feeling finished, I exited the kitchen to wake the boys. I started with Zayn. “Zayn, love. Wake up… I need your help waking the others.” I said, shaking his shoulders slightly. I bent down and kissed him lightly, feeling him smile.

          “That was pleasant. Can we do that more often?” He asked, his eyes opening to meet mine.

          “Sure, but help me get the others up?” I asked, pulling him out of bed. He nodded, grabbing the ring of hotel keys we had made for each of the rooms. Next stop was Louis and Harry. They were worst, so I wanted to get them out of the way.

          “Louis, Harry. I need you two to get out of bed. Please?” I tried, flipping on the lights. They both groaned, but buried their heads deeper into their pillows instead of getting up. “I have a surprise for you.” I stated simply. Zayn looked at me questioningly, but his expression soon changed to amusement at how quickly the two other boys jumped out of bed.

          “What?” Louis asked, jumping from one foot to the other excitedly. I shook my head at him.

          “We have to wake Liam and Niall first, love.” I said, already turning towards the door. I heard them all following behind me, and felt Zayn’s hand fill my own. I’d never get used to the butterflies I felt when he touched me, but I’d learned to live with it.

          I opened the door to the last two boys’ suite, smiling slightly at the sight. Niall was wrapped carelessly around Liam, who had his hands wrapped in Niall’s hair. The two were the cutest thing ever. I swear, I wanted them to be gay. I took my phone out and snapped a picture before moving over to whisper in Liam’s ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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