Chapter 19

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I was laying awake in the bed, absentmindedly playing with Niall’s hair, tears streaming down my face. It was my last full day here, but I didn’t want to say goodbye. It was going to be so hard, being away from him. I had a nightmare about it, it’s the only reason I’m awake at six in the morning. I want to wake Niall, but I know he’ll be upset if he doesn’t get his sleep, so I just play with his hair, drifting in and out of consciousness.

About an hour and a half later I’m awake again, and decide I want Niall up. “Hey, baby. Do you wanna get up?” I whispered into his ear, before kissing his neck. I heard him sigh, and knew he was awake.

“If I pretend to still be asleep, will you keep on doing what you’re doing?” Niall asked, a smile playing on his lips. I kiss the smile away, but it comes back as soon as I pull away.

“Nope. But I will if you get up.” I smile, watching as he immediately sits up, patting his lap.

“Alright, I’m up!” He says enthusiastically. I chuckle, crawling over to him. He doesn’t know I was crying earlier, and I don’t plan on telling him. I don’t want our last day together to be sad. I kiss his neck gently, feeling him shiver beneath my fingers. I loved the feeling of control I got from making him feel like this. I continued lower, kissing his bare shoulder, before moving back up to his mouth, smiling at him, although he couldn’t see it. His eyes were closed. I kissed him, and then slowly started to  pull away.

“We should probably get up. I’m hungry.” I mumbled against his mouth, before finally pulling away completely to look him in the eyes.

“Do we have to?” He asked, sighing. My stomach growled in response. “Alright, I’ll take that as a yes.” He said, standing up and grabbing a sweatshirt from the floor. I made a mental note to clean his room for him before I left. I felt the tears coming again, but I choked them back.

“What’re we eating?” I asked, even though I knew he really wanted me to make omelets.

“Well, you make a pretty good omelet…” He trailed off, and I laughed.

“Yes Niall, I will make you an omelet, if you promise to actually chew it this time?” I teased, hitting him playfully in the shoulder.

“Ouch. I chew my food!” He protested, and I laughed.

“Sure you do.”

“Niall, you never chew your food.” Harry added from the kitchen. “I’m making omelets. We wouldn’t want to make Anna work for us her last day here!” Harry said enthusiastically as we walked through the kitchen door. I continued to hold back tears as I smiled.

“No, of course not. Because you’ve worked me so hard the rest of the time.” I joked, grabbing some plates before sitting down. Harry set the omelets on the table, so we started to eat.

“FUCK! This is hot!” Niall said, spitting his food back onto the plate.

“That was attractive.” I laughed, blowing softly on the small bite on my fork.

“You know you loved it!” Niall joked, continuing to eat.


“Baby, go get ready. I’m going to take you out.” Niall said to me from his spot on my lap. It was around four in the evening, and we were watching a movie. We had been watching movies all day, and I was having a blast.

“Alright, alright. When are we leaving?” I asked, needing to know my time block.

“I want to leave here at six.” He said, sitting up slowly. I stood, stretching my arms above my head.

“How nice?” I asked, shutting off the television and the DVD player.

“Really nice, just because I said.” I smiled, I knew he wanted to see me in the dress he had bought me earlier on in the week. It was light pink, with a fitted, bejeweled top. It flowed into a light feathery look right after the corset-like top, and reached down to my feet. I liked that I’d be able to wear my hi-tops with it.

“Alright, I’ll go get ready then.” I said, already thinking about what I was going to do with my hair.

I was in the process of putting the finishing touches of my makeup on, and curling my hair. It was 5:54. I had taken a shower, and gotten the dress and my shoes on. I just needed to finish my eyeliner, and curl a few more pieces of hair. I finished, and walked out the bathroom door, grabbing my silver clutch.

“Niall?” I called, looking around the empty room, I saw a note on my bed. I sat down as I read it.


Harry is going to drive you to an arena about an hour out of town. I will be there, patiently waiting. I won’t answer your texts or calls, so I wouldn’t try.(: It’ll be worth it, I promise.

You’re amazing,


I sighed. What on earth could he have planned this time? I got up, walking out of our bedroom door. “Finally! Thank God! I was be- Holy shit.” Harry said, seeing me for the first time since this morning. “You look good. Really good.” Harry said, making me blush a deep shade of red.

“Thanks. Would you mind telling me what’s going on?” I asked, looking down at the ground.

“Sorry, I was sworn to secrecy.” He said holding up a hand as if making an oath. I rolled my eyes at him and dragged him out to the car.

“Come on then. I hate surprises.” I mumbled, sitting down in the passenger seat. My dress flew up, and I grumbled, pushing it down as best as I could.

“So, I can tell I should hurry.” Harry said, sitting in the drivers seat and putting the key in the ignition. I pulled my seatbelt tighter.

“Don’t drive like an idiot.” I said, looking out the window. I was really nervous. I hated not having a clue what was going on.

“Alright, alright. We’ll be there in an hour.” Harry said, backing out of the driveway.


I took a deep breath, staring up at the giant stadium. “You sure this is the right place?” I asked, for the third time.

“For the love of God! Yes. I am positive. If you need anything, you can call me. Now GO! I’m tired of dealing with Ms. Grumpy.” He said, smiling to ensure I knew he was kidding. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks for putting up with me. Sorry I’ve been such an ass.” I smiled at him.

“For someone who’s dressed so well, you sure have a bad mouth.” Harry said, smiling.

“Yeah yeah. Bye mister!” I said, waving as he walked to his car. I took a deep breath, opening the doors to the stadium.

Author's Note:

This author's note is even more confusing than the last. Does anyone want to tell me how I can take off the twitter this wattpad account is attached to now, and attach it to a different one? It won't let me. -.e

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Much love,


P.S. I MADE A TWITTER, like, a good one. Follow it if you want? @1DerfulMeee

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