Chapter 9

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It was around eleven at night. Niall and I were texting, but I told him I had to go when my dad got home, around an hour ago. I tried calling Hannah one last time, before giving up.

Hey. Niall, are you busy?


I didn’t want to do this, but I didn’t know where else to go.

Not at all. Whatcha need?


I, I just. I need to talk.


What? What’s going on?


He could already tell something was wrong, which was understandable. I wasn’t talking like myself, I could barely squeeze out a sentence. My phone started vibrating incessantly. He was calling me. I pressed ignore almost immediately.

Did you just ignore me?


I, I don’t. I can’t. I just. I. I don’t know.


I’m calling you again. Don’t ignore me.


True to his word, I got a call seconds later. I answered. Immediately choking out words through the tears. “I-I’m sorry. I, I didn’t want you to know. It-it’s just. Hannah isn’t answering. I di-didn’t know where else to go.”

“Shh. Sh, what’s going on Anna?” He asked, obviously confused.

“I can’t, I don’t know. It-it’s my dad. He- he’s been out. He’s drunk. I-I don’t know. They argue. I- I don’t want. Y-you weren’t supposed to know.” I started to mumble, feeling defeated, and still sobbing.

“Sh. It’s ok. Who argues?” I could almost hear his head racking, trying to put the pieces together.

“M-my mom, and my dad. They just-” I was cut off by a loud crash. I cringed.

“What was that?” Niall asked, sounding concerned.

“I-I don’t know. I’m in my room. Where are you?” I tried to make him forget, no one was supposed to know.

“I’m in the bathroom, no one can hear us. Where’s your room?”

“Upstairs.” I hiccupped.

“So, your parents are downstairs?”

I-in the kitchen, I th-think, which is downstairs.” I was calming down a little, but that all ended when I heard my mom scream. She didn’t scream words, just childish, ‘I give up’ screams. 

“What is going on?” Niall asked, still obviously confused.

“I stay aw-away. I don’t li-like to be around it. I-I lose my temper. I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have called. Yo-you didn’t need to know.” I mumbled, ready to hang up.

“No, Anna! I’m glad you did, but, I’m so confused. These are your parents. I don’t understand why they’d be screaming.”

“I- I don’t know either. He’s drunk. You don’t always think straight wh-when you’re drunk, right? When he’s not, I-I mean. He’s so gr-great, but now. He’s just angry. He asks the same questions, bu-but he never likes the answer.”

“Does he hit you?” I could hear the concern again.

“N-no. He never hits us. Just, he throws things, and hits walls. He-he. I. I don’t know. No one is supposed to know. Don’t say anything, pl-please?” I choked out. Cringing as something else made contact with the wall.

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