Chapter 33

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I woke up around ten am, feeling very rested. Zayn had disappeared, but I figured he was just getting something to eat with the boys. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room. We had one more day here after today. Damn. I liked hotels.

I stood up, walking to the bathroom to pee and take a shower. I did so, making sure to shave. I didn’t know where Zayn and I were going tonight, or today, but I wanted to be able to wear something nice if necessary. I got out of the shower, listening for Zayn outside the bathroom. I didn’t hear anything, so I ran out to grab a pair of shorts and a tank top before running back into the bathroom. I changed and blow dried my hair, then walked back out of the bathroom.

Zayn still wasn’t back. Huh. I decided to walk over to Louis’ room, ask him what was up. When I got there I noticed a note.


I’m helping Zayn out. I figured he was too stupid to leave you a note, so here’s one from me! You’re going somewhere “beachy casual” (Zayn’s words, not mine). Dress for that. We’ll be back at one, so be ready!



I sighed, checking my imaginary watch before walking back to the room to check my phone for the time. It was noon, which left me an hour to get ready. I decided to leave my hair blow-dried, because it gave it that wind blown beach effect, but left it down. I did minimal makeup, and dug through my suitcase for a dress. I found a strapless ruffle-topped floral sundress. I put my blue and white striped bikini on underneath, letting the dress sit on top of it. I paired it with a light brown leather belt and matching strappy sandals. I put in faux diamond earrings, and sat on the couch. I decided to watch some television for the twenty minutes I had left. Some silly show that Zayn always watches came on, and I just left it there, zoning out until I heard the knock on the door.

I jumped up, but put on a calm face and walked to the door. I opened it up to a smiling Zayn with a handful of daisies. “Hey!” He said happily, thrusting the daisies towards my chest.

“Aw! Zayn, you shouldn’t have.” I said, grabbing the daisies and sniffing them.

“Of course I should! Come on!” He said, still way more excited than I had expected. He linked his arm with mine, pulling me down the hall. I stumbled after him, feeling my feet stumble over themselves.

“Slow down!” I said, exasperated.

“Sorry.” He mumbled, blushing slightly.

“Somebody’s excited.” I joked, poking him lightly in the side.

“Yeah, a tad. You look nice.” He said, smiling. Now it was my turn to blush. I wasn’t used to compliments.

“Thanks.” I mumbled.

“Aw! Somebody’s embarrassed!” He exclaimed, poking my cheeks. I huffed, walking into the elevator. “Now, you can’t go into a date with a bad attitude. Smile!” He said, smiling at me. I couldn’t help but genuinely smile back. He did a little happy dance just as the elevator doors opened to an elderly couple. I laughed loudly, pulling him around the shocked man and woman.

“Did you see their faces?” I asked quietly. Zayn nodded, chuckling himself. He pulled me into the parking garage and towards a yellow volkswagon. I laughed, remembering way back when I’d told the boys it was my favorite type of car. “You remembered?” I asked, looking the car up and down.

“Of course I did!” He said, the right corner of his mouth turning up into a small smile. I sighed happily, crawling into the car. This was going to be fun.

“Zayn! Come on, I’m tired!” I yelled, struggling to keep my eyes open. We’d been at the beach all day. I appreciated the swimsuit I had worn more and more, but I was ready to go. It was almost midnight.

“But, the water… It’s so nice.” He mumbled, looking up at me.

“I know Zayn, but it’s time.” I said, grabbing his hand. He let out a defeated sigh, before walking behind me. We walked over to the place where he had set up a picnic ‘all Louis’ idea,’ and picked all of our stuff up. Zayn grabbed my hand, walking me back to the car.

“I had a good time.” I said quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment. We dropped our stuff off in the car, turning back to face the deserted beach.

“Me too.” Zayn said, leaning in for a kiss.

Author's Note:

AGH!!!! Two more chapters. I bet maybe some of you know what's going to happen? Maybe.

There won't be an epilogue, at least, I don't think so.

I'm trying to keep these kind of short, but I have a serious question.

Once I finish this story, I will need to have somebody edit it. I mean, tear this story up. I want it to be better! If you know anyone, let me know.


"I tried so many times, but it's not taking me. And it seems so long ago that I used to believe. And I'm so lost inside of my head, I'm crazy. But I can't get out of it, I'm just stumbling. And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head. I'm juggling all my fears..."

_One Fine Wire, Colbie Caillat.

Kay, I think that is all. Nobody did the vote thing -.-

That was sort of upsetting, but oh well.

I still love you guys. So, LOVE YOU STRAWBERRIES!(:


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