Chapter 25

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I was sitting with Niall and Hannah, watching a movie. I didn’t really know what the movie is, I let Hannah pick it out, but I didn’t like it. Niall seemed way more interested than I thought he’d be, which scared me. I’d been hanging out with Hannah and Niall both for the past three days, and Niall has, unconsciously, been asking about her a lot. I think it’s just the nice part of him, but anytime she’s away he asks when she’ll be back. What?

“This movie isn’t very good.” I mumbled, hoping to talk them into doing something else, or watching the movie Niall and I had picked out.

“I like it.” Niall and Hannah said in unison. They then looked at each other and blushed. I was, quite frankly, about to be sick. I knew Niall didn’t like the movie. I could tell by the way he fidgeted, his feet shuffling and his fingers messing with the hem of his shirt. Why did he feel like it was necessary to defend her? I was his girlfriend.

Now, let me get this straight. I’m not one to get jealous. I just happen to know Hannah is exactly the kind of girl to think she’s in love, and do anything to get what she wants. Best friends don’t matter, not in the long run, to her. I could tell by the way she acted ditzy around Niall, the way she looked at him when he wasn’t looking, the way she got a small sparkle in her eyes when he smiled at her. I didn’t like it, because I knew she was prettier than me.

Niall was returning the flirting.

Call me crazy, but I think that’s grounds for being a little edgy. So when Hannah nonchalantly threw her legs up on Niall, and he leaned back, allowing it, I was ready to leave. “Why don’t we go out to a party?” I asked, standing and stretching, hoping to get them to do the same.

“Oh! That sounds fun. What do you say?” Hannah chimed in, jumping up and stretching as well. Niall nodded eagerly. 

“That sounds great. Do you know where we could go?” Niall asked, looking at Hannah.

“Actually, I do.” I jumped in, pulling his attention back to me. I wasn’t going down without a fight. “Taylor is throwing one tonight, alcohol guaranteed.” I said, flashing, what I hoped, was a charming smile.

“Cool! We’ll get ready, then.” Hannah said, checking her watch. “It starts at eight, right?” She asked. I nodded, noting that it was six thirty now. I nodded, already walking into the bathroom to claim the shower.

An hour and a half later we were pulling up to the party. I was dressed in a hot pink dress, with a corset top. There was an offset bow at the bottom of the corset, and then it flowed into a ruffled dress. It was short, and I had paired it with killer black heels, trying to heighten the sex appeal.

Hannah had gone for the less is more look, wearing a skin tight black dress, with white heels that were considerably taller than mine. I swore at her in my head. Niall wore a t-shirt and jeans. I noticed he wore his white hi-tops. His shirt and jeans were black. I wasn’t okay with that. I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. “Let’s go get something to drink!” I yelled, ready to drink away my doubts. I knew I was overreacting, but that didn’t mean I was about to stop, not without at least three beers.

“Alright.” He said, running behind me. We lost Hannah in the crowd, but I was okay with that. I knew I was being a terrible friend, too. I just didn’t want to lose someone who had become so important to me in such a short amount of time. I grabbed a beer, handing him one as well. “Thanks.” He said, smiling at me. He pulled me onto the floor, dancing slowly with me. It was times like these, when he was okay with going against the rest of the world to be close to me, that I knew I was in love with Niall Horan. The times when he told me that I meant the world to him while we laid in bed, looking at each other, that’s what made me know he didn’t have anything going on with Hannah. In that moment, I felt stupid for ever believing it.

“What’s wrong, love?” He asked me.

“Nothing, just want another one of these is all.” I said, smiling as I held up the beer in my hand. He waved me off, smiling as I went. He told me he’d stay right there, so I went back to the kitchen, grabbing another beer, finishing it, and grabbing one more. I could feel a small rush already, but that was exactly what I had wanted. I walked back into the party, getting swept away by friends I hadn’t seen since school.

“Hey! Hey, yeah! We’ve got to get together soon!” I continued, getting pulled this way and that. Taylor pulled me into the kitchen, handing me another drink. I downed the rest of mine, before cracking that one open.

“You here with Niall?” She asked eagerly. I nodded reluctantly. Taylor was one of the few people I’d told.

“I’d like to think so, anyways.” I mumbled, taking another drink.

“Explain, girl!” She yelled, so I did. I sat on the counter, told her to grab me another drink, and explained everything that had been running through my mind since the moment Niall and Hannah met.

“I know it’s silly, but I really feel that way.” I finished, taking a drink of my sixth beer. I knew I was drunk, but I knew Niall and Hannah were too. I was glad we had taken a cab here.

“That makes sense, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it girl. He wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t have some serious feelings for you. Do you love him? I know it sounds silly to ask, especially so early, but us girls can usually tell pretty quickly.” I pondered for no more than a second before nodding. I knew I loved him, everything he did made me happy in the end, even if he drove me up a wall sometimes.

“Then don’t worry. Chances are he feels the same way.” I smiled warmly at Taylor, she really knew how to cheer a girl up. I got off the counter, swaying slightly. I drank the rest of my beer, before deciding to give up for the night. I came here with the intent to win Niall back, and hadn’t talked to him in hours. I knew he wasn’t still standing there, I just hoped he was talking to some of the boys. They wouldn’t know who he was, and they’d do their best to make him feel welcome. The ones Taylor invited would, anyways. I said goodbye to Taylor before walking off to find Niall, taking off my heels in the process.

I had searched the entire downstairs. Twice. I walked upstairs, dreading what I’d find. I figured he’d be in the bathroom, so I checked there first. No luck. I checked every room, finally coming to the last one. It was opened slightly, and I could hear people in it. Hannah giggled slightly, and I sharply took a breath, bracing myself. I opened the door.

There it was. Hannah and Niall on the bed. Hannah didn’t even have on her fucking dress anymore. She wasn’t drunk either, because she didn’t drink. Niall might have been, but she had complete control right now. They hadn’t noticed me come in, so I walked over and quietly whispered in Niall’s ear.

“And to think, I forgave you once? That story was bull shit. We’re done.” I said, and walked out. I made it all the way to my suburban home before breaking down on my bed.

Author's Note:

          SURPRISE!! I'm sorry, but I know this wasn't that good. I can NOT get into this right now. I don't know why. I know exactly where I'm going with this, even how I'm going to end it. It's going to be fun, once I can actually write. This was definitely helpful. I don't think it'll be so hard to come back now. I've been writing this other story, Dear Ellen, and it's taking a lot of my attention. I know I promised I wouldn't do that, and I'm super sorry. I will try to take turns, but I have more ideas for Dear Ellen now, and I don't have a lot for this one. Except I really do, I just don't know how to put the words together into a legitimate story. That seems to be a lot of my problem.

       I love you all so much for reading this the whole way through, even though it was probably confusing and jumpy and lacking in the intelligence department. I'm fried.


Much love,


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