Chapter 22

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I awoke to the sound of Everything About You, and smiled. I shut off my phone alarm before shaking Niall awake. “Love, you need to wake up. We have to go. I need to let my mom know you’re coming for dinner.” I whispered in his ear. I could feel his body tense as he tried to hold back a yawn. “Babe, I know you’re awake. No use trying to hide it. Unless you want me to leave without you,” I trailed off, smiling as he shot straight up.

“No! That’s fine. Let your mom know we’ll be there this evening,” Niall mumbled, yawning as he stretched his arms above his head. I giggled softly at him before getting up to take a shower. I then texted my mom.

       Niall is coming back to Chicago, he’s going to stay at a hotel in town. Is it kay if I stay with him? Separate beds, and bodyguards included. Oh, and he’s coming for dinner. So I’d make enough for about four other people.

I guess. I will give you the answer about the hotel once I’ve met him. Alright?

Kay. Love you.

Love you too.

I set my phone down and put my hair up in a ponytail, slipping on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walked out of the bathroom. “It’s all yours now. We have to leave here in an hour in order to make it to the airport on time.” Niall nodded, smiling at me before walking into the bathroom to get ready. I decided to take the time to pack up the last of my stuff and clean up Niall’s room. I didn’t want to leave too much of a mess for the other boys while Niall was out of town.

“Love, let’s go!” Niall yelled into our bedroom.

“Coming!” I yelled, grabbing my bag and walking out the door. All the boys were standing in the kitchen with their phones at the ready.

“WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER?!” Louis yelled. I laughed, doing a pretty good job of not crying. I told them my number, and they started to feverishly type into the phones in their hands.

“Okay, guys. We have to go.” Niall said in that adorable accent of his.

“Alright, alright.” Zayn said, pulling me into a hug. Harry was next.

“Don’t be making any more little Horans.” Harry whispered in my ear, shoving a handful of something into my back pocket. “I’LL MISS YOU!” He then yelled, still the same distance from my ear. I jumped back in shock.

“What the hell?!” I yelled, feeling a steady pulse racking through my head. 

“Wanted you to have something to remember me by.” Harry said, smiling.

“What, like loss of hearing?!” I yelled, still not able to hear properly.

“Yeah, pretty much.” He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him, and moved down the line to Liam.

“Hey! I’ll miss you too Liam!” I said, hugging him before moving on to Louis.

“I’m even gonna miss your big mouth!” I said as Louis pulled me into a giant bear hug.

“I know you will. Everybody does.” Louis said, letting me go. I walked up to Niall.

“Yo, we’ll be back in two weeks. It’s not that big of a deal.” He mumbled, taking my hand.

“Two weeks is like two years for a girl Niall. You have got to get with it.” I said, laughing softly at him.

“Yeah, well. It’s two weeks. And I don’t want to miss the plane, so let’s go Belle.” Niall said.

“HEY! WAIT!” Harry yelled, stopping us before we’d walked three feet.

“Yes?” I said.

“Why does HE get to call you Belle?!”

“Belle means beautiful in French.”


“Do you think I just let random people walk around calling me Belle when they can call me Anna or Annabelle?!” I said, laughing as I walked out the door.

I sat down in the car and my twitter notification went off.

@Harry_Styles: Gonna miss our Belle @AnnaB91393 (: She was way too weird though. A break might be nice. XX

I laughed softly, settling in for the car ride just as Niall came out of the house.

Author's Note:

       This probably should have been longer, but I am experiencing some major writer's block with this story. Do you guys have any ideas? I'd love love love to hear them. I love to hear anything from you guys. You're the only reason I do this, you know that, right? I hope you know that. You guys are really quite incredible.

       Vote, comment, share, and fan. Just maybe? You know you want to. 

      Also, I posted a new story, called Dear Ellen. It's a fan fiction too. Isn't that exciting? You could check it out?! Love you all.

      Much love,


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