Chapter 4

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We entered the café, and already the floor was shaking from the music. The music wasn’t really that loud, the bass was just turned way up. “So, um. Do you all want to get a coffee? Or something?” I asked. Did they drink coffee?

“Yeah, sure!” Harry said, pulling all the boys except Niall into the crowded café.

“Well. I think we just lost them.” I said jokingly to Niall.

“I think you might be right. That’s alright, they’re all obnoxious anyways.” He said, smiling. I smiled back.

“I’m noticing.” I say, right before I was rudely pushed into him. Niall caught me, but I stepped on his foot, which had us both stumbling all over the place.

“Ouch! Well, that was eventful.” Niall said, steadying himself, his arm still resting loosely around my waist.

“Yeah, tell me about it. The nerve of some people!” I said, smiling.

“Do you want to go grab a drink, and sit down?” He asked. I nodded, and he lead me into the crowd.


I held my arm loosely around her waist as we walked through the crowd, electricity running through my arm in the places she touched me as she walked. That was odd. “What are you going to get?” She asked me. I shrugged. I had no clue what half of the things on the menu were.

“I’m not sure what, well. I’m actually not sure what most of this is.” I admitted.

“Oh, yeah. Well, I really recommend the chai tea. It’s to die for.” She said, again. She was kind of to die for all by herself.

“Alright, I’ll try that.” I agreed. We both ordered, and went and sat at a little booth, secluded from the music, and loud people.

“This place is incredibly busy, I guess because of the concert.” She stated. And she was right, a lot of the people here were all girls too young to go anywhere besides a café, but not yet ready to go home.

“That makes sense. Do you come here often?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s my favorite place to go with Hannah, my friend. I like coffee.” She smiled. I really enjoyed that smile, I was going to miss it.

“That sounds like fun. What is she like?” I asked, wondering who she hung out with.

“Hannah? Well. She’s, um, unique, to say the least. She’s really adventurous, she’s always in love, and not very level-headed. She doesn’t really think before she acts. I mean, well. We get along really well for a reason. We’re pretty much polar opposites.” She said. “But, enough about me. I want to hear about you. What’s your family like?” She asked.

“They’re great. I love them all. They’re funny, and helpful too. They really understand what’s going on, even if they’ve never been there before. They’re really mature when they need to be too, which is nice.” I said, although I would have much rather heard what she had to say. “And how is yours?” I thought I heard her sigh a little.

“We get through things. They’re pretty alright. I mean, I’m here, aren’t I?” She smiled, and I could tell I should let it go.

“Yeah. You are,” I smiled, “was this a birthday present? Or just because?” I asked.

“It was for my sixteenth birthday.” She said, smiling.

“Now. I could be wrong, but, don’t you normally get a car for your sixteenth birthday?” I asked, confused. She laughed.

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