Chapter 27

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My eyes locked on Hannah and Niall’s hands, intertwined. Niall dropped her hand quickly, whereas Hannah just gave him a glare. What the hell was her problem, anyways? I locked eyes with Niall, hating myself for letting him see me so broken.

“Get the fuck out.” My voice was harsh, showing him exactly how I felt towards him when my expression couldn’t.

“We want to talk.” Niall mumbled.

“I want a fucking pony that shits rainbows. Tough luck.” I said, hoping he couldn’t hear the sadness already starting to leak into my voice.

“Seriously Anna, grow up. Learn to fucking listen.” Hannah spoke up from beside him.

“You really want to go there right now? I can fucking go there.” I said, all of the anger back in my voice. I almost expected it from Niall. Guys always hurt you in the end. Hannah was supposed to be there for me. Hannah was my best friend.

“Back off of each other.” Niall said, obviously not wanting to watch a total bitch fight.

“Who in hell are you to tell me what to do?” I asked, shooting him a death glare. “I want you guys gone. I want you out of my house before I can count to fucking thirty.” Niall shook his head, not believing I was acting like this. He was right, this wasn’t like me. Tomorrow I might have been able to talk, but it just happened. My head was swimming, and I just couldn’t think straight.

“I’m still coming to get you tomorrow.” Niall said, grabbing Hannah’s hand and pulling her back to the door. I nodded curtly, standing up and slamming the door when they left. I waited until I heard the wheels of, what I guessed was, Hannah’s car. Inevitably, I broke down. I laid on my bed, crying, for a good twenty minutes. I then remembered Zayn, waiting patiently for me to call him back. I picked up my phone, noticing I had four text messages.

From: Hannah Boo.(:

Real fucking mature.

From: Nialler.<3

I wanted to talk. Whatever. I’ll be by at 6. You going to have a head on your shoulders by then?

From: Bradford Bad Boi(:

Is everything alright?

From: Hannah Boo.(:

That wasn’t cool. You should have known by the way I looked at him, it was bound to happen.

I was furious. I ignored Niall, but the way Hannah was acting was too much. She was supposed to be there for me no matter what, and in the end she hurt me worse than Niall.

To: Hannah Boo.(:

I did know. That’s why it hurts so fucking much. You were supposed to be there for me, and you stabbed me in the back without a second thought. That wasn’t cool. Lose my number. I don’t want shit to do with you. Kay, bye.

To: Bradford Bad Boi(:

Are you awake, still? I’m sorry, I wasn’t really able to talk. I can call you back now, if that’s alright?

I decided a text back to Niall would be beneficial, so he at least knew I knew what time to be ready by.

To: Nialler.<3


I could tell you right now I wasn’t getting dressed up. I was wearing what I was in now, my One Direction hoodie that said “Vaz Happenin’” and gray sweatpants, and putting my hair up. I got up and packed a few things, listening for the phone to vibrate.

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