Chapter 6

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Good morning, sunshine(:

-Harry snored all night and I haven’t slept at all -.-

I awoke to these words around 10 am, feeling strangely rested for as late as I got in. I smiled, and my mom laughed. “What are you smiling about?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing. I had a good time is all.” I said.

“I would hope so. You were out all hours of the night!” She pretended to be angry.

“I’m sorry mother, they were crazy as can be until the minute I left too!” I joked. “When are we to check out of the hotel?” I asked.

“We have to be out of here by noon, so why don’t you pack, you can sleep when you get home.” She said. I nodded.

“Alright mother, will do. Did you get anything to eat?” I asked, feeling starved.

“Yeah actually, there are some donuts over there, and some coffee too.” she gestured towards the bedside table.

“Ok, thanks!” She nodded.

“I’m going to go walk around town for a while, all my stuff is together, and I wanted to look at a couple little shops I saw on the way in, I’ll be back in about an hour.” I nodded, and waved as she walked out the door.

Well. Good morning. How are you, besides tired?

-I slept like a baby, and am still dragging my ass like I didn’t.(:

I laughed, I felt somewhat clever, but then again, I’ll read it later and think I was stupid. That’s alright, live in the moment. 

I am fantastic. You slept late, I had a radio show today, I grabbed a chai tea to wake me up. This amazing girl introduced them to me late last night.

-I hate you, but not really(;

I started to pack my stuff, waiting a minute to text back. I must have been a little tired last night. My toothbrush, toothpaste, and clothes were on the floor in the middle of the hotel. I was glad my toothbrush had a case. My shampoo and conditioner were on the floor in the bathroom, and the small overnight bag I brought was completely empty. I had no clue where half of the stuff that was in it was.

I enjoyed sleeping in. And those are my favorite! What a coincidence(; What drug did you guys give me last night? You should see my hotel room. I’m surprised my mom didn’t birth a cow when she walked in.

-I hate you too, but not really(;

I sighed, trying to pick up this disaster. Why don’t I remember any of this? Oh well, I might as well get started.


At least you got too. That is a coincidence, isn’t it?(; I didn’t drug you at all. Harry might have, but, it would have been when I wasn’t around. Which was never. So, I think you drugged yourself. Is there something you’d like to talk about?(;

-I’m hurt.

P.S. Birth a cow? What?

I smiled at my phone, while waiting to go on air. “Dude. Man up, nobody giggles at their phone. Most girls don’t even do that.” Harry teased me, but I didn’t care. I was having a pleasant conversation.

“Yeah, whatever. You’re just mad because we all know about the girl in your dressing room now.” I joked. We actually had already known, we just didn’t want to bring it up, hoping he wouldn’t go into specifics.

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