Chapter 18

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I stood there, shocked, watching my boyfriend make out with some random bitch at a party. He had his eyes shut, squinting slightly, his hand on her arm. I remember kissing him, opening my eyes slightly to find his eyes almost identical to that, pulling me closer, just like that. Fuck. No tears. He pulled away, and the girl waved before walking away. I met his eyes for one second, sending every bit of hate I could flying his way before turning around and running away.

“Excuse me. Excuse me. Fuck. Move. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY.”  I said, pushing through all these people, holding onto the last thread of my sanity desperately. I could feel the tears welling up, but I refused to cry. Finally I found the person I was looking for. “Harry?” I said, running up to him and hugging him, finally letting go. I looked up at him, and he was looking behind me. I turned to see Niall, watching me break down.


Shit. I followed closely behind her, trying to grab her. I could tell she was pissed, but I knew I’d hurt her more than anything. I found her holding onto Harry for dear life, and put my hand out to grab her, but was stopped by the glare I was getting from Harry.

Fuck, had I ever seen something scarier? I slowly put my hand down, as she looked back at me. Harry pulled her away, and I stood there. What was I supposed to do?


“What happened, love?” Harry asked. He had pulled me out to his car, and we were sitting there now.

“He- I- I went to go get him. I wanted to dance. A-And some, some fucking bitch. They were sitting there making out. Like I didn’t fucking exist.” I could feel the fury building up inside me, sitting alongside the grief. “What the fuck? I should’ve known.”  I mumbled, leaning into Harry once again. I was so upset, and I had to sleep in the same room as him tonight.

“That isn’t like him.” Harry mumbled.

“I don’t care! He fucking did it!” I yelled, bursting into tears again. Harry’s shirt was covered in mascara, and damp.

“Sh, sh. I know, love. I’m so sorry.” Harry mumbled, running his fingers through my hair.

“Harry, can- can I stay in your room tonight?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Yeah, of course. Do you want to go ahead and leave?” He asked, rubbing small circles on the back of my hand. I nodded in to his shirt, before sitting up and putting on my seatbelt. “Did you know the girl?” Harry asked, looking over at me slightly as he drove back to the house. I shook my head slightly, tears threatening to spill again. Harry looked like he was thinking, but I was too tired to worry about it. I put my head against the window, feeling sleep take over.


I awoke to screaming, while laying in bed. The voices were all to familiar, but not the ones I was expecting.

“What the hell, mate?” I heard Harry yell from the other room.

“I didn’t- It wasn’t me!” Niall yelled back. “Where the hell is she?” 

“She’s sleeping, or she was, she might be awake now. Are you trying to tell me she’s that upset because she thought somebody else was you? I don’t think so.” Harry yelled back. I was positive it was him, I thought, pulling the covers further up around my neck as the memories of that night came flooding back.

“I DIDN’T KISS HER! She kissed me, and I was trying to get her off! Can I please talk to her?” Niall yelled. I thought back to the way he was pulling on her arm. Could it have been to get her off? He was famous, girls jumped him all the time.

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