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Carl was walking down the street to his best friends house, as he usually does on summer mornings. As he approached the house, he saw a tall boy around his age climbing out of her window. The kid looked around and then walked out toward the gate.

"Can I fucking help you?" he asked when he noticed Carl staring at him.

Carl was planning on just shaking his head no and moving on, but something came over him causing him to lash out.

"yeah, you can help me by getting the fuck away from Rylee's house and never ever coming down this street again," he spat, throwing his cigarette into the snow and stepping close to the boy standing in front of him, "understood?"

This boy was honesty shook, he took a few steps away from Carl and nodded while stuttering, "y-yeah. i didn't know she was yours."

Carl pushed him toward the street, "get the fuck out of here."

After taking a few deep breaths, he walked through the front door into their living room.

"morning, Shannon." he greeted Rylee's mother as he walked down the hallway to her bedroom.

"hi, sweetie," she replied, "have you had breakfast?"

"yeah, thanks." he replied before walking into Rylee's room.

"who's the kid sneaking out the window?" he asked right away.

"good morning," she groaned, still sitting on her bed.

Carl sat down next to her and leaned back into the pillows, "are you fucking him?"

"kind of."

"what the fuck does that even mean? you're either fucking him or you aren't." he snapped.

"okay yeah, fine, i'm fucking him." she sighed, "why are you being weird?"

"i'm not." he mumbled.

"he's kind of annoying though." she laughed, shifting to lay down next to him. "he always wants to like, talk after."

he smiled and said "well don't worry about it, he won't be coming around here again."

"what does that mean?" she asked, sitting up on one elbow to look at him.

"nothing i mean, i just told him basically get the fuck out and don't come back i guess" he shrugged.

"you what?!" rylee yelled, "carl what the fuck why would you do that?"

"w-well cause.. cause he's a fucking tool ry, you can do better." he said like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"that's not for you to decide carl," she stood up and grabbed a pair of shorts to pull on, "it's really not your fucking place to do that."

"why do you care so much are you like actually into him or something?" carl asked, his voice slowly getting louder.

"chill." rylee said, pausing before continuing the conversation, "im not into him, but he's really good at sex."

"lots of people are, "carl said, "but he's a fucking tool."

"whatever let's just go, i need a cigarette." she said, not wanting to continue the conversation further, because she doesn't like to be angry with carl. They have arguments quite often, but they always end up getting cut short because, even though they are annoyed with each other, they know that they would rather get over it quick and do something else. rylee hates fighting, and there are very few times when she'd let one go on for too long, whereas carl likes arguments, and he likes going on about something stupid forever. Rylee thinks it's because of his growing up with all of those siblings.

As they walked down the street toward their favorite smoke spot by a small river, Carl continued to talk shit about the boy (who's name he still doesn't care to know) rylee had been with, criticizing his clothes, and hair, and continued with "i mean you should have seen it ry, i barely even yelled and he was shaking and stuttering like a bi-"

"carl i love you but you need to shut the fuck up"

"chill," he laughed as they sat down and lit up a joint.

They passed it back and forth, talking about pointless things about their family and school.

"my brother is coming home from school in a few weeks." rylee smiled.

"shit i haven't seen him in a long ass time," he said. after a few seconds of silence he said "you look fucking stunning today. this lighting is good i'm gonna take a picture."

Rylee laughed and muttered a "thanks" but ignored his picture taking. it wasn't an unusual thing for them, they both tell each other when they think they look nice and take pictures of/with each other quite often. there was rarely anything said or done between  the two that would make things uncomfortable at all.

Rylee handed Carl the joint, "you can finish the roach," she said, "is Frank back yet?"

"who knows." he shrugged. Though his relationship with his parents has gotten much easier for him to handle than when they were young. He acts like it doesn't phase him, which is mostly true, but Rylee knows that he still cares a little bit.

"i was thinking we could go-" she was cut off by carl leaning in out of the blue and kissing her. "Carl wh-what was that?"

"i don't know," he said quickly. "i gotta go."

he quickly stood up and walked away toward the street. Rylee called after him and got up to walk toward him, "hey Carl," he kept walking faster, "Carl wait!"

i got into the slightly juicy stuff right away bc i am impatient and u probably are too (probably not but let's pretend)

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