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"We can go next weekend." Carl offered, referring to the diner that rylee wanted to go to. They were resting against the wall of the kitchen at Patsy's. There were only a few people in the restaurant this morning, so they had a lot of down time to just talk.

Suddenly, a loud crash is heard from the sink in the room next to the kitchen. Rylee jumped, then looked over to see Ian emptying his tray from the tables he had cleaned off.

"Dishes" he announced, blankly looking at her.

"You shouldn't just drop them in the sink like that." rylee mumbled, mostly to herself, as she walked over to the sink.

"maybe if you did your job instead of talking to your boyfriend this wouldn't happen." Ian snapped, turning around fully to face her. He hand rylee hadn't had a proper conversation since she stopped his plan of leaving town, but he was definitely still mad. Whenever he was around her, all he'd do is roll his eyes, or snap at her for no reason. Rylee felt bad for what she had done, but she was starting to get irritated with Ian's behavior.

"okay i get it, you're mad," rylee retaliated, "but how long are you going to treat me like this just because i didn't want you to fucking run away?"

"i fucking trusted you rylee!" Ian yelled, stepping closer to her.

"i didn't know what else to do!" she yelled back, trying her best to raise her volume louder than he had.

"stop yellin!" Fiona yelled from the front of the restaurant, "we have customers, what are you doing?!"

Ian holds eye contact with rylee for a moment before rolling his eyes and walking away. On his way out, Fiona told him that he could leave early, since it wasn't busy.

"you too, rylee." fiona called, as she filled the ketchup bottles by the register.


"You can go home."

She nodded, taking off her apron and hair net. She undid her hair, then put on her sweater and scarf and walked outside. She sees Ian walking a few yards in front of her, so she lightly jogs to catch up to him, as he walks slowly with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked over at her and scoffed, then started walking a bit faster.

"ian can we just talk-"

"no! we can't!" he yelled, turning to face her instead of walking, "there's nothing to talk about! you were my best friend and i trusted you."

"i don't know what else i should have done," she said quietly, almost a whisper, "you were gonna-"

"it doesn't matter if it was the right thing to do." he snapped, "i trusted you, and i shouldn't have."

"no, you're right." rylee sighed.

"What?" he asked, surprised that it was so easy.

"i'm your best friend and i should have done better." she nodded, "you can trust me."

He stared back at her, not responding. He wasn't sure if she meant what she was saying, and even though he was still truly angry with her, he knew that she meant well. He just needed to be mad for a bit longer.

"i know now, and i won't let it happen again." she told him after a few seconds of silence.

"yeah, cause i'll never rely on you again." Ian mumbled with his cigarette hanging between his lips.

"honestly, Ian, you're being kind of ridiculous." rylee sighed out of frustration, catching Ian off guard.

"e-excuse me?" he stammered, with a mix of confusion and anger.

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