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"here take this," carl threw a sweater at rylee, "it's cold out."

she thanked him, slipping on the sweater. she had been staying at his place the whole weekend, and neither of them expected fiona to actually make them go to school on monday, until they were woken up early and told to get ready.

"can i grab a pair of-" carl cut her off, throwing a pair of warm socks at her, already knowing what she was going to ask for.

"wanna take a quick detour on the way to school?" carl asked, rylee looking up to see him rolling a joint.

"yeah, the river?"

"of course"


"i think i'm fucking getting bronchitis again." rylee laughed, coughing after taking a hit and passing to carl.

"maybe we should take you to the doctor instead of going to school then." carl laughed.

"nah we should actually go today," rylee sighed, "i'm probably almost truant."

Carl laughed but didn't say anything. they stayed there for a while, both laying on their backs right next to the river, watching the sky in silence, then the two of them decided to get coffee and go to school.


"are you getting bored of watching movies in bed every night?"

"not really," rylee shrugged, "are you?"


"then why'd you ask?"

"just making sure," carl mumbled.

"hey uh, you know the other night when we were kissing?" rylee asked suddenly after a moment of silence, sitting up.

"yeah." he nodded

"why'd you stop?"

he paused for a moment, "because i love you."

"that doesn't make much sense" she laughed lightly.

"no, ry," he chuckled, "im not in love with you. you're my best friend. i don't want things to get fucked up."

she nodded, laying back down flat.


"i dunno," she shrugged, "just wondering i guess."

"don't you think it would fuck things up?"

"maybe, i don't know."

"it was nice." he says, "wasn't it?"


"i guess we'll just see what happens." he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Rylee wasn't hurt by anything he had said about it. she wasn't in love with him, she didn't even have particularly strong feelings for him as anything other than her best friend, she just didn't understand why they couldn't just let these things happen and not think too far into things. she enjoyed kissing carl and she enjoyed being with carl, and she didn't quite understand how it could ruin anything, or why they couldn't do those things when they felt the need to while keeping things how they are now.

"hey," carl snapped her out of her thoughts, "is bronchitis contagious?"

"no," she laughed, "why would -"

carl cut her off with a kiss, once again. she moved her hands up, interlacing her fingers with his hair as he shifted his body in between her legs. his kisses moved down to her neck. he spoke to her between each kiss he planted across her neck and collar bones, "we could always.. try this and keep things the same.."

"mhm," she nodded in agreement as he continued kissing down her stomach. she kept one hand in his hair and the other held by one of carl's, as he continued to go down, making her gasp, "oh god"


(i am so bad at writing but aw isn't this fun i'm having fun. anyway i keep writing short chapters bc my attention span is noooooot working with me lma0 but hey thx for reading

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