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Rylee walked incredibly slowly to the door of carl's room, trying to be as quiet as possible as she picked up her bag and traveled to the door in the dark. Just as she was about to reach the door, she tripped on a small pile of clothes that carl had on the floor, causing a loud noise as she steadied herself on his dresser.

"shit" she whispered, turning around to see carl slowly sitting up in his bed.

"where are you going?" he asked in a groggy voice, rubbing his eyes.

"oh i'm just gonna go home," she told him, "go back to sleep."

"why are you going now?"

"can't sleep"

"i'll walk you home." he began to sit up further, but rylee stopped him.

"no, no. it's fine, just go back to sleep." she said, opening the door.

"okay i'll call you in a few hours, babe." he mumbled, laying his head back into his pillow.


"i brought Chinese" carl announced as he walked down into rylee's bedroom.

"hell yeah, you get any wontons?" baxter asked as he dug in the bag carl handed him.

"yeah at the bottom." he told him, then handed rylee a plastic fork instead of chopsticks, because she had never been able to use them.

"you look like hell" carl said to rylee, with a mouth full of food.

"thanks" she rolled her eyes and set down her noodles.

"did you sleep?" he asked, handing her one of his egg rolls.

she nodded in response, but carl decided to press it further, "how much?"

"fuck carl, i don't know 2 hours or more." she sighed.

"you gotta sleep ry," he said, then turned to baxter, "tell her she needs to sleep."

"you need to sleep." baxter told rylee, as carl requested.

"you didn't sleep much either" she retaliated.

"what?" carl asked quickly, "how do you know that?"

"bax came over at like 5 when he woke up," she explained, "went to bed at 2 though."

"you slept for a while at mine, didn't you?" carl asked.

"yeah" she nodded.

"no she didn't." baxter laughed.

"you didn't?" carl asked, moving from the chair to the bed next to them.

"i did," she repeated, glaring at baxter, "a bit."

carl looked at her for a moment, then quickly said "i'll get you some sleeping pills."

"just get stoned." baxter laughed as he stood up, "im gonna run. i'm leaving in a few days and my hotel room is a mess."

"come by my place before you leave." carl told him as he left the room. He still felt pretty weird around baxter because of him being in love with rylee and all, but baxter is still one of his best friends, and he doesn't want to make a big deal when he's leaving the state soon anyway.

"thank god" carl whispered when he heard the front door close, taking the cup of noodles from rylee's hand, and setting it on the table next to her bed, then immediately grabbed the back of her head and kissed her.

They leaned back so they were laying on the bed, carl hovering over her. after a moment, though, their kiss was interrupted by the loud squeak of rylee's window opening.

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