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"what are you doing here?" rylee asked when carl walked in through her basement door, while she on her couch with a blanket on her lap and a bong in her hand.

"You're still mad?" he asked, sitting down next to her, grabbing the bong from her and taking a hit as she glares at him.

"yeah, i'm still mad." she snapped, grabbing it back from him, and setting it on the table.

"she just needed a place to stay," he said once again, "she was drunk and unconscious."

"Maybe for one night, Carl, but you didn't have to move her into your room." she said through gritted teeth.

Carl sighed as he grabbed the bong from the table to take another hit before replying. "she's homeless, Ry, i couldn't just leave her on the streets."

"i just-"

"And I really don't care if you're jealous or whatever," He said, slightly raising his voice, "but you not liking her doesn't mean i shouldn't give her a place to stay. Why don't you want me to help her?!"

"I never told you not to help her!" Rylee yelled.

"what?" he asked, lowering his voice.

"i'm not mad that you fucking helped her, carl. I'm mad that you left me drunk and alone at that club so you could bring some other girl to sleep in your room, and then after we talked about it, fucking move her in!" she said, still yelling, "and you didn't even tell me!"

"ry, i-"

"i don't really want to hear it carl."

"w-well we have to talk it through-" Carl stuttered.

"do we?" she asked with a calm voice as she brought the bong up to her face, taking a hit.

"What?" Carl shook his head, "what do you mean?"

"maybe it's not worth it anymore." She said simply.

"Rylee," he said slowly, "baby, what are you saying?"

"Things haven't been great lately, Carl, I mean you don't even seem to want to be around me anymore the past few-"

"ry, stop." Carl interrupted quickly, "this is-"

"Carl!" lip's voice boomed from the top of the stairs before he came into view, "let's go."

"Lip, i'm kind of in the middle of-"

"now, carl."

Carl groaned, "Lip, go away, ill see you at-"

"carl, now!" Lip said sternly.

"Jesus, fine!" Carl yelled, then turned back to rylee, "Just wait, okay? I'll come talk to you really soon, just wait."

Carl sighed when he noticed that she had no intent of speaking with him. "Ry, please."

"you should go." She whispered.

"carl!" Lip yelled, impatiently.

"i'm coming!" he snapped, looking back at her one more time before leaving to get in the car with Lip.

"Why are we leaving lip?" Carl asked once he started driving, "I really can't just leave her right now for something stupid and-"

"carl shut up!" Lip yelled loudly, "Frank called fucking child services on Fiona again."


"i don't know, carl, why does frank do anything?" he snapped, rolling his eyes. "He's probably drinking again."

"Okay." Carl said, unphased, "Why did I need to leave because of that?"

"We have to go home, carl, so we can pretend we're a happy perfect fucking family. and you need to get bonnie out of there, what the fuck were you thinking" lip asked, getting more annoyed with Carl than he should because of the stressful situation.
"she's homeless." he said simply.

"yeah i know, but you moved her into our house without mentioning anything. and she's sleeping in your room with you when you have a girlfriend -"

"I sleep on the floor, Lip." he snapped.

Lip just rolled his eyes and focuses on the road, which makes Carl realize that they've passed their street. "We're going the opposite way-"

"I fucking know carl," he snapped once again, "we're going the opposite way so you can go buy some eye drops and body spray, because your eyes are red and you smell like a walking blunt."

"it's not like I knew this was gonna happen, Lip, chill the fuck out." Carl said, getting more annoyed.

They sit in silence until they approach the store.

"I don't even have any money." Carl realized.

"I guess you'll have to improvise."


carl walked into the store and smiled at the lady at the register as he walks toward the body spray section, where he picked a random cologne and sprays the tester all over himself. After getting the smell sorted out, Carl walked to the aisle with the eyedrops. He turns the corner to see a middle aged man looking at the drops, too. Normally, Carl would just wait for him to leave, but he didn't want Lip to get angry about him taking too long, so he decided to crouch down, and pick up a box, reading the back label, then he takes the actual bottle out of the box, pretending to read the back labe for about 30 seconds before opening the box again. He held the box open, but slipped the bottle up the sleeve of his sweatshirt that was covered, making it look like he put the bottle back in the box, then set it back on the shelf and walked away.

As he walks toward the front door once again, he looks around to find an empty spot on the shelf, and reading the tag. He walked past the lady at the register again "Just so you know, you guys are all out of the 42 count liquid gel advil." he said, faking disappointment.

"Oh, i'm sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know!" She smiled at him, "Have a great day."

Carl walked quickly back to the car. "We good?" Lip asked.

Carl nodded, and Lip began to drive back to their house. Carl looked down at his phone to see an unopened text.

From: ry

We need to talk about some stuff

To: ry

I'll be back over as soon as I can

From: ry

No dont come over
Just call me


chill  » carl gallagher Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon