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"what do you wanna do today?" Carl asked rylee, who was still in bed as he got dressed for the day.

"i don't care." she replied quietly.

"we could go get some lunch, or go to a movie and then make dinner?" he offered ideas, but she didn't reply.

"ry?" he asked, turning his attention to look at her.

"yeah, sure. I don't care." she said quickly.

"you okay?" he asked

"yeah" she nodded.

"alright. well, just meet me downstairs when you're ready." he told her, leaning down to kiss her quickly, then leaving the room.

He sat in the kitchen, talking to Ian for over a half hour while he waited for her.

"jesus is she gonna come down?" Ian asked, laughing a little after noting how long carl had been waiting.

"she's in a weird mood, i think." carl explained, lowering his voice a bit.

Ian just nodded, pouring himself another cup of coffee as rylee slowly walked down the stairs with a blank expression on her face.

"you ready?" carl asked, smiling in attempt to brighten her mood.

She silently nodded. Ian gave carl a look and he slightly nodded, then told rylee that he would be in the car.

"what's going on?" ian asked after he heard carl exit the house.

"nothing." she shrugged, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator.

"is it a tired thing, or a carl thing, or a bipolar thing?"

"jesus, Ian, i don't know. i'm tired." she sighed in annoyance.

"okay" he took a sip of his coffee, "you know you can tell carl if you're m not up to doing shit today. he'll understand."

"yeah okay" she half-heartedly mumbled, then walked out of the house to the car where Carl was waiting.

"alright," he said once she sat down, "where do you wanna eat?"

"i don't care" she sighed.

"do you want greasy burgers, or mexican, or italian, or cajun, or-"

"fuck carl i don't care, go wherever you want." she snapped.

"okay," he nodded, trying to be patient with her even though she was in such a bad mood, "burgers it is. we can meet fi, she's at that new diner with v and kev."

rylee just nodded, looking out the window.

"i love you" he reminded her, that being the only thing he could think of at the moment to try to make her feel better.

"yeah you too." she replied quietly.


"holy fuck, that's huge" fiona laughed at the size of carl's burger, "you better bring those left overs home, it'll last a week!"

"nah, i got this" he smirked, taking his first bite. He was right; he ended up finishing up the entire thing while him and fiona talked, and rylee sat silently, picking at her sandwich.

"not hungry babe?" carl asked her after a few moments.

"oh um, yeah" she mumbled, picking up the sandwich and starting to eat it.

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