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"i can't find carl" rylee tells Ian, in the kitchen of the sketchy party house Mickey took them to.

"alright hold on," ian sighed, jumping off of the counter, "i'll find him. you stay here"

He walks out of the room, into a long hallway crowded with people. He was looking over them, looking for Carl, when he ran into Mickey.

"Mickey, help me find carl," he yelled, "Rylee lost him."

"you left her all by herself?" Mickey asked, "what the fuck dude, I said no wandering when we got here." he yelled, grabbing ian's arm and dragging him back in the direction he came from.

"I fucking said it when we got here," mickey repeated, "why don't you guys fucking listen to me?"

"she's gonna stay there. she's not stupid, mick." Ian rolled his eyes, following behind mickey.

"okay, Ian, what about all the fucking creeps here." mickey retaliated, entering the kitchen, but rylee wasn't there. "God damn it."

"Shit!" Ian said, genuinely surprised, then walked toward the other door out of the kitchen, yelling her name.

Mickey hopped up on a counter to look around, because he can't see over everybody like Ian can, and yelled out that he was looking for a girl, and described rylee, but nobody was paying any attention to him.

"if she's hurt, i'm kicking every single one of your asses" he yelled before jumping down, and walking into the basement, while Ian looked upstairs.

Ian walked into a room down the hall, to find Rylee sat on the floor of a bedroom, with a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other, a boy sat across from her. Ian grabbed the guy, yelling something that rylee couldn't quite understand as he pushed him out of the room.

"Hey! Ian, what are you doing?" rylee stood up.

"What are you doing?"

"i was mad, because i found carl downstairs and he was taking fucking body shots off of some whore and kept calling her hot and when i told him to chill he told me to fuck off," rylee told him, starting to get mad again, "and then i met drew, and he was nice to me and gave me three cigarettes, and smoked me up, and let me complain, and-"

"he was trying to fuck you, ry." Ian sighed, taking the cigarette from her and taking a drag.

"no, he didn't even try anything!" she insisted

"come on, let's go i don't wanna stay here anymore anyway." he told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they left.


"I'm fucking annoying when i'm drunk." rylee said, realizing how much she had been rambling since she and Ian got back to his house after leaving the party, "I've been drunk a lot."

"yeah, you can chill for a while." Ian chuckled, grabbing a cigarette from the pack on his night stand, putting one in his mouth and handing one to rylee.

"are you okay?" rylee asked, noticing how quiet he had been.

Ian just nodded as Carl entered the room, "why didn't you tell me you guys were leaving?"

Rylee thought Ian would answer him, but he didn't, so after a few seconds rylee spoke up, "I couldn't find you."

"you should have-" carl started before Rylee cut him off.

"shut up" she stood up and walked behind him toward his room. He walked all the way there, but she stopped at Ian's door, turning to him once again.

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