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they hadn't talked in 4 days. carl had been avoiding rylie while she had been desperately trying to reason with him. carl had managed to completely avoid her, but tonight they had to work together. rylee had been nervously thinking of what she would say to him, or if anything could fix this. carl, on the other hand, was thinking of a good sickness to fake so he could call in sick.

even though the two of them hadn't been together for that long, or even been officially in a relationship due to their unique situation, he was still very much in love with rylee, and he broke his heart. as much as he didn't want to see her right now, he knew he had to go to work.

carl walked to work, clocked in, grabbed his apron and walked to the kitchen straight past rylee, not even glancing at her or giving her a chance to say a word.

he checked the break schedule and noticed that he and rylee had break at the same time. the boss probably thought he was doing them a favor, but he really didn't want to deal with that today. he sighed deeply and walked over to the order board and began cooking.

"carl, rylee, break time." the main cook, dave told them after a couple hours of silent working.

rylee walked out directly into the break room. carl waited for her to leave before speaking.

"hey you know, i don't really need a break right now," he said, "i can just keep cooking."

"you have to take your break, kid," dave said, "its policy."

he turned around and began cooking the next meal, leaving carl no choice but to walk out of the kitchen.

"please look at me." rylee said about 30 seconds after carl sat down in the break room, staring at his phone.

"carl." she persisted, "carl please."

he stayed silent, and rylee sighed, "i didn't fuck him okay."

carl looked up at her from his phone with a blank face, urging her to continue.

"we did... stuff. but we didn't fuck." she explained quickly.

carl rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone.

"i wasn't thinking straight but i stopped it before it got further." rylee kept talking, "i love you so much. please look at me."

"fuck this i need a cigarette." he stood up quickly and left the room.

"door!" liam yelled from the couch when he heard a knock on the door. fiona laughed at him and opened the door to see rylee standing there. 

"rylee, you need to give him space." she sighed.

"please let me in i just need to talk to him." rylee pleaded

fiona sighed.

"please." rylee begged.

fiona called for carl, then looked. ack at rylee, "stay here" she told her, and shut the door.

rylee hears the muffled sound of fiona and carl talking for a minute before the door swings open and carl just walks away from it, up to his room. rylee follows as carl sits down on his bed and looks up at her.

"so what do you want to say?"

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