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"so, how many of these drives are we gonna go on?" carl asked, about 20 minutes into their third late night car ride of the week.

"a few." she shrugged, turning down the music a bit, "do you mind?"

"not as long as you keep paying for gas." he laughed.

"pull over at the next exit." she told him quickly

"why?" he asked, doing it anyway.

"it's fucking beautiful" she told him, pointing to a parking lot facing the highway. Rylee gets out of the car, walking toward the small hill.

"Hey wait," carl said, jumping out of the car quickly, "where you going?"

She kept walking down the hill, despite his efforts to stop her, toward the fence separating the grassy pit from the highway. She looked back at him for a brief second with a big grin, then turned back around, grabbing a rip in the gate and climbing under it.

"babe, hey babe, wait i..." he stuttered, trying his best to reach her quickly, "you need to stop."

He kept yelling out to her, but she didn't stop. "you're gonna get yourself hurt. What are you doing?"

"i'm not scared." she told him, the wide grin still on her face.

"Ry, are you high?" he asked when he reached the fence, trying to figure out what's going on.

"No, carl!" she shook her head, "i feel great."

"please come back here." he begged from across the fence.

"i've always wanted to do this." she told him, turning around, slowly walking into the first lane of traffic on the highway. The sound of car horns, squealing tires, and carl yelling along with people in cars. Rylee, though, couldn't hear a thing other than her feet slowly stepping onto the pavement, and her own breathing.

"Rylee!" Carl yelled, climbing to the other side of the fence, but not stepping into the road, "fuck! rylee stop!"

"do you see this?" she yelled to him across the highway, "it's beautiful!"

"jesus christ, rylee" he sighed, then raised his voice, "get. back. here."

She walked back across the road, now backed up with traffic that she had caused.

"what the-" carl began to yell as she reached the gate once again.

"carl you need to try this it's so wonderful-" 

"no rylee we need to go-" he said sternly as they crawled back under the fence.

"yes! let's go!" she grabbed his arm, heading back toward the fence they just got back on the right side of.

"Rylee, No!" he yelled, pulling her back before she could get anywhere, "come back to the car."

They walk up the hill back toward Carl's car, Carl taking a deep breath, trying to sooth his anger.

"wh.. why the fuck would you do that? what were you thinking?" Carl asked quickly, slightly yelling despite his best efforts to calm down.

"i was thinking i could have-"

"you could have gotten killed." he snapped, quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

"it was fucking fun, carl!" she yelled, "You like when we go and have fun."

"that's not fun!" he yelled, "that's fucking.. suicidal or something. jesus."

Rylee began laughing loudly, "i'm not suicidal carl" she says as if it were the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard, her laugh not fading.

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