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"you look so pretty, baby girl." Carl said as he wrapped his arms around rylee's waist from behind her while she was standing in front of her mirror, getting ready for the day.

"Are you kidding?" rylee laughed lightly as she tried to do anything to fix the mess of hair on her head.

"It's just hair, ry, it doesn't matter." He kissed her shoulder.

"And I look like a damn zombie," rylee said, lightly laughing, "I scrubbed my dark circles for like five minutes because I thought it was smudged makeup!"

"Ry, you look great." Carl said again, squeezing his arms tight around her waist once before turning around and sitting down on her bed.

"you're gonna have so much fun today." Carl said with a wide smile as rylee began braiding her hair.

"I know, I'm excited" she smiled as she walked over to her closet, grabbing one of Carl's sweatshirts and pulling it over her head. The sweatshirt ended up resting at her thighs, below her shorts making it look like she was wearing the sweatshirt as a dress. She pulled one of her dad's hats on before turning to carl and telling him she was ready to leave.


"Look at this one, baby!" Rylee called to carl as she held a small, fluffy puppy in her arms.

Carl decided to take rylee to see the puppies at the park today, since they had a huge rescue pup sale going on here. They didn't plan on buying one, neither of them could afford to own a dog, but Carl knew rylee would enjoy seeing them anyway.

Carl walked closer and pet the pup, "hey there little guy."

"I love him." Rylee said quickly.

"I know, babe." Carl laughed lightly, leaning down to give some attention to the older dog that nobody was paying attention to.

"I want to take him home." She mumbled, sitting down on the ground next to where Carl was kneeling.

"We can't," Carl looked over at her with an apologetic look, genuinely feeling bad that he couldn't buy this puppy for her.

"You look real cute though, the puppies will probably follow you home anyway." Carl said, sitting his butt on the ground, petting the dog in rylee's lap as she rolled her eyes.

"I can't wait until we get our own place," rylee said quickly, "we're gonna have so many dogs."

"Oh we are, are we?" he smirked at her, and she nodded, "okay, sweetheart, you can have all the puppies you want."

Carl stood up, holding out a hand to help Rylee up as well, "But not right now, because we have to go back to my house to watch Liam before Ian leaves, too."

Rylee nodded, setting the puppy back in the spot she found him. She hooked her arm with Carl's and rested her head against his shoulder as they walked down the street, away from the park.

"Thank you for taking me there." Rylee smiled up at carl.

"Of course." He kissed her nose, "we'll go back in a couple years and I'll buy you one, I swear."

"You don't need to buy me anything." She laughed, nudging him lightly.

"I want to," He said, rubbing his thumb over her hand, "gotta keep my woman happy."


"Liam, stop it." Carl groaned at Liam, who was being particularly difficult to deal with tonight.

"You stop it."

"Oh my god, go to your room." Carl said, sounding more annoyed than actually angry.

Liam just stood there, looking at carl. He rolled his eyes, "Go, liam. Your room. Now."

Liam turned around and ran up the stairs, and carl sighed.

"Jesus that kid is a handful." He groaned, reaching to the top of the counter for the bottle of whiskey that was up there, just as Mickey and Ian walked in.

"Shit, give me that." Ian said right away, reaching for the bottle in Carl's hand.

"Stressful day?" Carl chuckled, but Rylee noticed the expression on Mickey's face, so she decided to say something.

"Shouldn't drink with the pills." She said, grabbing the bottle from his hands, "lets go smoke instead."

"You're on them, too." Ian muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, and i'm not drinking."

"Whatever, fine, let's go." He mumbled, walking into the living room.

Carl followed behind him, then rylee, but before she could enter the room she caught Mickey's eyes and he mouthed "thank you" before following her into the room, where they all squeezed onto one couch together.

"Carl, that girl at the diner asked about you again." Ian said with a small giggle, looking over at him with extremely red, glossy eyes.

They had all smoked and gotten pretty high, but not too much. Ian, however, decided to get completely baked.

"What girl?" Rylee asked quickly.

"That short blonde girl," Ian shrugged, "the one who was here before."

"Bonnie?" Rylee looked over at Carl, who was staring down at his hands.

"It's no big deal, ry," carl said quietly, "She just comes in sometimes and asks to talk to me. I never do."

"and you just thought it would be a good idea to not tell me?" Rylee asked, sitting up straight.

"I didn't want to make a big deal about it."

"It's bonnie, of all people, Carl." Rylee snapped, standing up, "You should have fucking told me."

"Ry, I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd want to know." He said, standing up as well as rylee walked around the couch, and ian and Mickey sat silently on the couch. Carl thought she was headed up to his room, but when she started walking toward the front door carl sighed, quickly walking over to her.

"Ry, don't leave. Please," He begged quietly, not really wanting mickey and ian to be involved in this, "let's just go talk about this, I don't want to fight any more."

"We can talk in the morning, Carl." She sighed, stepping onto the front step. "I'm going home."

She started heading down the front steps, and Carl got so scared that she'd walk away and not come back again. He grabbed her by the arm, lightly pulling her back.

"I'm sorry, Ry, I'm so sorry." He apologized in a panicked tone, "Don't leave tonight."

"Let go, Carl." She replied quietly, prying his arm off of hers.

"Please don't walk away, baby, not again." Carl begged once again.

"We'll talk tomorrow, babe, calm down." Rylee said, looking up at him with soft eyes.

She was upset that he had lied to her about bonnie, but she knew that the situation wasn't that bad, she just needed some space to think, she didn't want him worrying as much as he was.

"It's okay." She touched his arm softly before turning around to walk home, leaving Carl standing outside, worried and not knowing what to do once again.



noah fence but i love carl

also this is the third update in like less than 2 days

love me

also quite a few of u read therapy last night, thank u!!

if u like it, vote & comment like u do on this story, makes me smile


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