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"i told you not to come here." rylee sighed when she opened the door to carl standing on her front step.

"yeah, but I came anyway." he said quickly, "let's fix this, ry."

"Is everything okay?" She asks, "With Lip?"

"Yeah, don't worry about that." he shakes his head, "We can talk about that after we figure our shit out."

"carl,that's why i didn't want you to come here." rylee sighed, looking down at her hands.

"what do you mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows, stepping a bit closer.

Rylee took a deep breath and stepped all the way outside the door, shutting it behind her.

"Baby?" he asked quietly when she looked up at him with sad eyes.

"i'm gonna say this, and I need you to leave right after, okay? It'll be easier on both of us that way." Rylee said quietly. Carl could tell that she was trying not to cry, and he wanted to hug her and try to make it better, but he knew that he was the one making her feel this way in the first place, which made him feel much worse.

"What? Ry you're not gonna-"

"Carl, can you please just do that for me?" her asks as tears begin to form in her eyes, "please?"

Carl gulped and nodded, wiping away a tear that fell with his sleeve before looking back at rylee.

"This isn't making us happy anymore, carl." she said calmly, "we need some space from each other."

"o-okay. I can leave, if that's what you meant about me not coming here. i can come back another time." Carl stuttered, beginning to step backward.

"that's not what i meant, carl." She shook her head.

"w-what? i don't-"

"i'm breaking up with you, Carl." she said quietly, a tear falling.

Carl just stood there silently on her porch, with his jaw dropped, as his heart fell into his chest.

"please leave now." she whispered in a broken voice, not looking up.

"No, i can't- i can't leave you, not now. we can still fix this-"

"No, carl, you have to go now." she repeated.

"please, what can i do?" he asked quickly, " i'll do anything baby, just say the word"

"don't call me that." she shook her head.

"please don't leave me." he begged quietly, taking a step forward wrapping his arms around her and burying his head in her neck, "I need you."

She ran her fingers through his hair a couple times, then  patted his back and slowly pushed him away.

"go." she says quietly.

he looked at her for another second before walking away slowly.
He lit a cigarette as he made his way back to his house. When he reached his house, he sat down in his backyard to finish his cigarette, and then lit another. And then another. And then another.

After that, he stood up and stumbled into his house walking up the stairs, just wanting to get into bed. When he finally reached his room, he opened the door to see Bonnie sitting on his bed.

"oh hey, carl. I-"

"get out." he interrupted, his voice breaking because he had been crying.

"What?" she asked quietly.

"get the fuck out, bonnie!" he yelled, pointing at the door.

"okay, I'll go." she said quickly, "do you want me to get my stuff now, or-"

"just go." he snapped, "right now, bonnie."

Bonnie quickly walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her as carl sat on his bed, with his head in his hands. He sat like that for a few minutes before he kicked off his shoes, and pulled his hoodie over his head before he settled into his bed and turned on his TV. He automatically went to watch Bobs Burgers, like he usually would, because he would usually be with rylee. He decided to watch it anyway, but found that he didn't enjoy it much without hearing Rylee lightly laughing next to him. He wanted to go back to her house and make her talk things through, or he at least wanted to call her. She was the only person he talked to, and they haven't gone longer than a week or two without talking since they were in preschool; they couldn't just stop seeing each other. He really wanted to talk to her and tell her everything, but he knew that she didn't want to talk to him, so he decided to text her instead.

to: ry

i'm so sorry for everything i did to you.
you always deserved so much better

to: ry

please call me when you're ready

to: ry

i miss you so much don't leave me forever

to: ry

you're my best friend ry i can't lose you i'm so sorry

to: ry

i love you


(oo short but emo

i feel like this is shit but i am doing it anyway because i am living life on the edge :$

pls don't cyber bully me

anyway i hope this made u sad bc if it didn't i'm not good at this

comment here if u are sad thx ily)

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