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"right now, rylee"

"okay," she sighed. "fuck okay. um.."

"just tell me." carl snapped.

"fucking give me a second" she yelled.

"it shouldn't take that long to explain."

"what do you mean?"

"i already saw you out there with lamar and g dog." he said through gritted teeth, "i saw you fucking kiss-"

"i was trying to protect you carl!" she cut him off, "0kay i heard some shit that someone lied and told g dog that you're working for the competition"

"who the fuck told them that?" carl took a step closer to rylee.

"i don't know carl, but they were pissed. they were gonna hurt you a-"

"i can take care of myself, rylee, you should have never fucking even talked to them."

"you got rid of all your guns carl," rylee yelled, "they were going to fucking come here."

carl was silent, realizing that his whole family was in danger.

"they don't give a shit if your family has anything to do with it or not," rylee continued, "they'd kill everyone. you, ian, fiona... liam."

carl cringed at the thought of getting his family hurt, especially his little brother.

"you're not so in control like you think you are, you didn't even know it was happening."

"you should have told me." he said quickly.

"i had it taken care of." she insisted.

"how?" he asked, sitting on his head and grabbing the bottle of whiskey he had set there.

"how what?" she asked

"how did you take care of it?" he asked, taking a long gulp, scrunching his face from the burning in his throat.

"i talked to that guy about it. he was mad so i told him that you'd been working full time and i had proof." she explained, "he wanted me to meet him and their boss with your time cards and some money. that's what i was doing."

"you paid them?!" carl asked, "how much?"

"don't worry about it."

"i'll pay you ba-"

"just forget about the fucking money carl." she snapped.

"why were you talking to lamar in the first place?" he asked after a moment.

Rylee waited a moment before replying, "he came here. About a week ago, you went to work early and I was here when he came looking for you."

"What?" carl whisper-yelled, "A week ago. You need to tell me this shit, rylee. Did he hurt you?"

She shook her head. "I uh, I told him about your job and stuff and that's when we decided to meet. He called me this morning because I didn't have your time card yet, he said he was gonna have to come back to the house if I didn't have it by tonight."

Carl nodded, taking another drink and holding the bottle out to Rylee. She took it and sat beside him. They sat silently for a moment while Carl processed the information.

"I'm sorry you had to get into this." carl said, "you swear nobody hurt you, right?"

"Yeah." rylee whispered and then began to cough. She sat forward, covering her mouth as carl patted her back even though it wasn't helping anything. He didn't have anything else to drink in the room, so he handed her the bottle. She took a swig and cringed as it washed down her throat, but it did help to subside the coughing.

"Wait," carl said when she stopped coughing and leaned back into her seat, "why did he kiss you if you were just giving him the timecard?"

"Just trying to freak me out," she shrugged, "I told him to fuck off and then i came here."

"Gross. if he ever fucking touches you again tell me. i'll fucking kill him." carl said before taking a rather large gulp, and handing the bottle to rylee, "I'm drunk." he laughed.

Rylee chuckled, taking a drink and setting the bottle on his night stand.

"Thank you for doing that for me." carl said, standing up to change out of his work clothes.

Rylee assured him that it was no problem as he dug through his t shirt drawer. He slipped off his work shirt and put on a plain black t shirt, and then picked up another one and threw it on the bed by rylee. She grabbed it and stood up, taking off her work clothes as carl grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his closet. He turned around to see rylee flipping the t shirt he had given her the right way, (because it was inside out) and walked over to her.

"You're fucking beautiful" he slurred, his breath smelling strongly of whiskey, but rylee didn't mind because she could smell it on herself, too. Carl dropped the sweatpants he was holding, grabbing rylee's hips and pulling her closer to him, causing her to drop the t shirt as he kissed her. She pulled off the t shirt that he had just put on as he walked them back into the bed. Carl removed the remainder of his clothing as well as rylees and then settled back in between her legs, kissing her again. His kissed moved down her neck and collar bones before he lifted his head up to look at her. "Ready?" he breathily asked. She nodded, wrapping her legs around his waist, bringing their hips together. he began to move at a steady pace, slowly getting faster. The end of his bed was repeatedly banging against the wall, but they were both too drunk to think twice about the noise it was making. Rylee's hands moved from in his hair, to his back where she scraped her nails down as she arched her back.

"fuck i love you" carl moaned, right before they heard a banging at the door, but carl didn't stop or even slow down, figuring it was ian or mickey out there.

"fuck off, i'm trying to have sex" he groaned in annoyance before realizing that the person on the other side of the door was not, in fact, ian.

"Carl!" fiona yelled.

"oh shit," carl whispered, "I'm sorry fi, i thought you were ian. uh, hold on."

"no carl don't come out here." she said quickly, clearly taken aback by the situation, "just... jesus christ just be quiet."

Carl laughed after she walked away, then continued.


"ry," carl whispered, shaking her in his bed, "babe wake up."

she opened her eyes and immediately rolled over, holding her hands on her head. "holy shit." she said in a groggy voice.

Carl chuckled, handing her advil and a glass of water. fiona knocked on the open door as she took it. Carl looked over at fiona, who was awkwardly avoiding eye contact. "you've got a friend here." she told him.


"lamar something." she said in a questioning voice, as lamar walked past her into his room.

"thank you, ma'am." he said to fiona as he closed the door on her, turning to face Carl and rylee.

"nice to see you two again."



what if there was the weird singing things between the scenes of hannah montana in shameless. think about it.)

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