Chapter Eight

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Louis' pov:

  I looked over at Harry as I pulled into the parking lot. He is asleep. I turned off the engine and leaned over kissing his forehead. When he didn’t move I kissed his lips. He still was unresponsive

"Hazza!! Wake up baby, we're here!" I sung. He groaned and turned his head tucking farther into the seat.

"Babyboo, wake up!" I laughed.

"W-what is it?" he mumbled with his eyes still shut. I leaned over and kissed him again,

"we're here." I mumbled against his lips. He started kissing back but I pulled away. He opened his eyes and looked around.

"An indoor ice rink? There was one in town Lou, why didn’t we just go to that one?" he asked.

"Babe, I told you I wasn’t out yet. This rink won’t have people from school in it." I sighed. Of course I felt bad, I like Harry, a lot, but I’m not ready to come out. Not yet. He looked at me and nodded,

"right, okay, but I can’t ice skate, I don’t know how to." I smiled,

"I figured, thats why I’m going to teach you!" I got out and walked around opening the door for Harry. He smiled and climbed out and I closed the door behind him.

"What do you look like without glasses?" I asked taking his hand and starting to walk.

"Um I don’t know, I can’t see without them so I wouldn’t know." he explained.

"Can I see?" I asked.

"Sure boo." he laughed. I smiled and walked in front of him and pulled off his glasses. I liked it. He doesn’t look goofy with glasses, but without them he looks so much older and really fucking hot. I leaned in kissing him. He was caught off guard since he couldn’t see, but soon smiled against the kiss. I pulled away,

"not that glasses look weird on you, but you look fucking hot without them. How come you haven’t gotten contacts?" I asked and put his glasses back on. He blushed and looked down shrugging.

"Think about it, now come on love." I smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him inside. I looked at the rink, there was only a few people here. Many of them looked around the age of 10, two adult couples, and a teenage couple around 15 or 16. Harry and I ordered our skates and sat down to put them on. I got mine on and tied them then looked at Harry. He had them on but was sitting there. He looked at me,

"I don't know how to tie 'em." he explained. I winked and got down in front of him tying them.

"Thanks babe, you look really good on your knees!" he smirked.

"You're such an arse." I laughed shaking my head as I got up. I lent out my hand helping him stand up. He squeezed harder every time he felt like he was going to fall...and we weren't even on the ice yet. I pushed the door open to the rink and helped him down the very small step. We waddled to the ice and I stepped on and reached my hand for his. He looked down at the ice then back up at me hesitantly.

"I'm scared." he explained biting his lip.

"Dont worry, I’m going to try to keep you from falling as much as I can." I nodded. He grabbed my hand and stepped on the ice coming closer to me and grabbing my shirt on my chest. I pulled him to the wall and had him put his hand on it and the other one in my hand. He looked at me and I smiled,

"now just push with one foot." I explained. We slowly made it around the rink, but I think he was getting the hang of it.

"I don't need the wall anymore." he boosted. I laughed and we went farther into the ice. We started to skate and although it wasn't too fast it was working.

"I'm proud of you babe!" He blushed and leaned over kissing my cheek.

"So when you said we wouldn't be home did you mean at neither of our houses?" he asked.

"Yeah, we are staying out here tonight. We are going to lunch soon then I have another surprise." I explained. He nodded and we continued skating for a little while.

A/N: Really short I know, but last update until probably next weekend! Feedback and votes please babies!

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