Chapter Fifteen

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Harry’s pov:

I walked farther into the house with Louis, and into the kitchen.

“We are home.” I explained lightly. My mum turned from the oven and she smiled rushing to me,

“hi sweetheart, Louis!” she cheered, hugging both of us. She pulled away, “dinner will be done in a few, you can go hang out.” I nodded and Louis and I went upstairs into my room. We talked and played video games for a while until my mum called us down for dinner. Louis and I went down and sat down next to each other, me across from Logan. My mum soon set all our meals down and we started eating. It stayed silent for most the dinner until Logan asked what was for dessert.

“Oh shoot, I forgot to get something. After dinner I'll run out really quick and pick up a pie.” she smiled. Logan nodded and continued eating. “So Louis, you're new here yeah?” my mum asked. He nodded,

“yeah, just moved from Doncaster.” I caught myself staring as he talked to my mum. I snapped out of it and saw Logan looking at me with disgust. I shrunk into myself and moved a hand under the table searching for Louis’. He grabbed mine and squeezed it. I stayed silent the whole dinner and blocked everything out, trying to stay relaxed.

“Harry?” I finally heard my mum ask.

“Your mother is asking you a question Harry, answer her!” Logan said firmly, making me flinch. I turned looking at her,

“can you do the dishes while I run to the store?” I nodded and Logan cut in,

“you should also drive Louis home, its kind of late.” I quickly looked at Louis then the clock, and back at Louis. Its only five.

“Y-yeah, alright. I can walk though.” Louis said hesitantly. I don't want him to go.

“Yeah, he will walk, he loves walking. I'll walk him out.” I explained grabbing his arm and pulling him to the front door. He got his shoes on quickly and I pulled him onto the porch slamming the door. He turned and looked at me,

“alright, well I guess I'll go, text me-” I cut him off by crashing our lips together. I pulled away almost right after. I just need to feel them for a second, feel safe when I wasn’t.

“If I ask you to do something can you please do it without asking questions?”

“Uh, yeah sure, what's up?” he asked.

“Can you hide on the side of the house until my mum leaves, then climb up to my room and come in through the window, please?” I begged. He nodded,

“course Harry, I'll be right in.” I nodded and kissed his cheek quickly going back inside and finishing the dishes. I was up in my room before my mum left. Louis was at my window two minutes after she left. I quickly let him in and fell into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me,

“Harry what's wrong?” I shushed him reminding him to keep his voice down. I stood in his arms for all of about five minutes until I heard Logan coming up the stairs. I pulled away,

“you have to get under the bed. Please, and stay there until he leaves. Don't come out no matter what. Okay, promise?” I begged as I helped him under the bed. He promised and I stood up just as the door opened.

“H-hi Logan, what do you need?” I asked as calmly as I could.

“You fucking little shit!” he yelled. I flinched and prayed this wouldn't continue.

Louis’ pov:

I flinched hearing Logan talk to Harry like that, I covered my mouth trying to keep my heavy breathing down.

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