Chapter Twenty Three

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Louis’ pov:

I just got out of school, Harry wasn't here today. I really needed to talk to him. I can't believe I broke his nose. I should have known he was going to skip. I canceled on Zayn and Niall tonight hoping to go see Harry as soon as my mum gets home from work. I don't know what I'm going to say because he was so right. He had every reason to dump me but I wasn't expecting it and I miss him. When I got home I sat down and pulled out my laptop, going on facebook. I was scrolling through my news feed when I saw a video Niall posted. I read the title 'fags dreams are broken' I clicked the video and it was of Harry. Niall was on the opposite side of the hallway Zayn and I were, I didn't even know he was video taping. I watched the video. Harry opening his locker, mumbling something to himself, me running behind him and slamming his face in the cream, then he turned and slammed his locker walking away. Niall got a good view of him as he passed by. His nose was definitely out of place, his glasses were smashed and broke in the middle and he was definitely crying. Jesus Christ, that wasn't me. I mean, it was me but it wasn't me. I would never do that to my baby. What has gotten into me?

I clicked the comments and started reading them. They were the same as always. Telling him to kill himself, that I was too good for him, then I read one where it said Harry liked the comment. He fucking liked the comment that told him to kill himself. Bullshit. My notifications went off and I quickly clicked it open. 'Harry Styles liked a video that Zayn Malik tagged you in' I clicked the link and up came a video of me kissing Eleanor. It was about a week ago that it happened. I went to a party with Zayn and we played truth or dare and I got dared to kiss Eleanor. Since I couldn't say I was taken I went along with it. I know I should have told Harry but we haven't talked, really talked in a while so I didn't. Zayn commented 'look Harry, the guy you like kissing El. Awkward;)' Harry liked the comment only a minute ago. I quickly shut my laptop. This is all too much, this isn't how it's suppose to be. The girls came home and I made them a snack then I heard my phone ring. I hurried to it, a text from Harry!!!! I opened it right away.

Hi, so as much as I want to just scream at you, I can't. You helped me through a lot and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you. I miss you a lot and I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday. I don't hate you, I never could. I'm only texting to say goodbye. I can't do it anymore Louis. It's not your fault so don't blame yourself, I was foolish for thinking someone could save me. It's time though. I don't want to be here any longer. You are the only one who I'm saying goodbye to, I can't send one to my mum. I feel to bad already and she will answer right away. I know you are probably busy so by the time you get this it will be done. Louis? I love you, I love you a lot actually. I'll keep an eye on you from up there. Good luck. Bye Louis. -Harry Styles

What the fuck? I quickly dialed his number as I got up rushing to the door, putting on my coat

"come on Harry, pick up. Please, pick up!" When it went to voicemail I yelled up to Lottie that I had to go because it was an emergency. I ran out of the house and dialed Anne's number.

"Louis?" she asked confused.

"Anne? Are you home?" I asked.

"No why?" she asked.

"Harry texted me and he was saying goodbye. I'm really worried. I'm running to the house now. I'm scared." I explained.

"Shit, I'll be right there." she explained and hung up. I ran into the house,

"Harry!?" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" Gemma asked.

"Where is Harry?" I asked already half up the stairs. She was following me up as I screamed for Harry. I ran into his room but he wasn't there. I hurried into his bathroom and froze.

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