Chapter Thirty Four

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Harry's pov:


"I want to be stronger for you Louis, I do but it's hard. I'm sorry, please," I begged as I watched Louis pack his things.


"I can't do it Harry, I'm so sick of it. You're like a baby that I have to take care off. Sometimes I touch you wrong, or say something wrong. It was one beer with one friend and I come home to you crying and asking where I was. I deserve space especially after work. You haven't even slept with me for Christ sakes," Louis hissed.


"Okay and I can give you that Lou, all of it. Please, I promise. I thought you liked being close," I mumbled as I unzipped his luggage that he just zipped. He slapped my hand and pushed me away making me stumble into a wall and fall back. I sucked in a breath trying so hard not to cry. Louis doesn't hit me, he promised to never do it again. This isn't my Louis.


"See, your crying just because I pushed you away and you're too uncoordinated to keep yourself upright. You need help Harry and I'm done being you home therapist it's not fun," he explained and grabbed the bag.


"Louis, I love you, please," I begged but all I got was a slam of the front door, tears and a choked breath the only noise in what was our apartment.


I sat up quickly in the bed immediately reaching for Louis. Nothing. I looked around my room and the clock caught my eye. 3:26 a.m. I wiped at my eyes and found my glasses sliding them on. I found my phone and hurried to my window climbing onto my roof and sitting. I dialed his number and brought it to my ear. Four rings and finally it connected.


"Hazza, baby, what's wrong?" he asked as his voice strained from the odd hour phone call.


"I'll be stronger for you Louis, I promise. No more flinching, and you can go out after work with friends, and I'll have sex with you right now. Please just don't leave me," I cried.


"Harry, what are you on about? Sweety, breath, breath Haz." He sounded more alert.


"I'm sorry I'm not strong enough but I'll be better. I won't cry, I know I'm crying now but I won't cry after I promise. I will have sex and I'll be your slave I'll do anything Louis just please don't leave me. Please, I want to live with you still," I ranted.


"Harry Edward Styles, listen to me. I don't know what you are on about and I don't know what brought this to but I'm not leaving. Not now, not in the future, not ever. I don't want you to be my slave and I don't want sex if you don't want it. You can cry whenever you want and I don't even work yet. Okay? So tell me what happened because we are fine. I still love you, I adore you still. What happened?"


"I had a dream and I guess you went out with a friend after work and I was worried so when you got home I was crying and clingy. But I won't do that anymore, I promise." I explained.


"And then I just left because of that?" he asked. I hummed a yes and we sat in silence until he laughed. "You called me at three in the morning worried about a stupid dream that I was in but would never act like that on our cotillion day?" he chuckled.

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