Chapter Twenty Four

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Harry's pov: I sent Louis the message then went into the bathroom. I was crying hard and I was over thinking it. Gemma is right downstairs so if I don't hurry I could lose my chance. I stood looking at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my hair really tight and groaned. I threw open the cabinet and went looking for the pills. It took me a minute to find them but I sighed in relief when I did. I grabbed the bottle and sat on the edge of my tub trying to open them. I couldn't get them open and I'm guessing it was because of how unstable I felt. I was crying harder because I just wanted to get it open and this over with. I groaned and then I heard a gasp. I looked up and Louis was reaching for me, or the bottle? He grabbed the bottle but I kept my grip on them,

"they won't open!"

"Harry give me them." he begged and pulled. I pulled back and told him no and to leave me alone. Then Gemma was at the door and I looked at her shocked because having Louis see this is one thing but I didn't want Gemma having to see this. My grip on the bottle loosened and then Louis had them and then Gemma had them. I screamed and reached for them but then my mum was in the bathroom and she was grabbing me. I fell into her and we both fell to the ground.

"Why. Why, why why? I want to die, please, I want to die!" I screamed and cried harder. My mum was running her hands through my hair and rocking me, shushing me. "Let me die, I don't want to be here." I cried. I saw Louis slid down against the wall and slam his head back, crying. Louis was here, with me? It brought a little smile to my face and I reached out for him. He felt my hand brush his ankle and he looked down at me. I grabbed for him again and he took my hand. I felt the spark, the good spark. The amazing spark, and then I was away from my mum and crawling into Louis. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms came around my waist,

"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm sorry lovely, you are okay. You're safe. I love you Haz, I do. I love you so much," he whispered only for my ears. He is here. He read my message when he got it and he cared enough to come after me. I heard the sirens and knew I was going to the hospital again. But I'm safe because Louis is here and I'm mental for wanting him here but he is here and it's okay for me to be happy about it.


I woke up in the white room and knew I was in the hospital. My mum was right next to me, holding my hand. She smiled lightly,

"hi honey." I gave her a tired smile,


"How you feeling?" she whispered.

"Tired." I mumbled. She nodded and I looked down at the end of my bed and Gemma was sitting there. Her eyes were puffy and red meaning she had been crying recently.

"Gem, get Gem for me mum." I begged. My mum did as I said and Gemma hurried to me.

"I'm okay," I said right away because she was obviously still worried. She shook her head,

"but you were going to do it weren't you?" I gulped and nodded,

"yeah," I whispered.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm so sorry I didn't realize how bad it was." she cried.

"Stop it sis, no one did. Only Louis, I'm okay and I'm sorry I put you through this. Wait where is Louis, I thought he was here." I pouted. She smiled and leaned down kissing my head,

"mum and I are going to go get some tea. I'll get you some water." Wait they were leaving me alone, and she ignored my question! She walked out of my view because I was laying on my side and was to tired to even move to my back. I shut my eyes until I heard shuffling and someone take my hand. I opened my eyes and Louis gave me a smile, but it was barely one.

"I thought you left." I mumbled. He shook his head and kissed my hand,

"I've made that mistake one to many times with you." I shut my eyes and held his hand. It stayed silent for a few minutes until I heard him sniffle. I quickly looked at him as he laid his head on the railing of my bed.

"I owe you a lot of apologies and explanations." he hiccuped.

"I can live without the apologies but explanations are necessary." I explained.

"Now?" he asked looking up. I shrugged,

"we have time." He nodded and sighed,

"I have no good explanation for ditching you for Zayn or starting to pick on you but Jesus that wasn't me. It all went to my head. I was a right arse and I was horrible to you. I don't deserve you, didn't." he corrected.

"I figure that. What was the Eleanor thing?" I pushed.

"Ugh. Plain bullshit. I went to a party with Zayn and we played truth or dare and since I am an arse I didn't say anything when I was dared to kiss her so I did. I was going to tell you but then I was even more of an arse and decided to avoid you so I could avoid the subject." he explained. Knowing that it was a dare made it a little better but it still hurts that he is embarrassed to be with me, was embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Harry, you will never understand how sorry I am." he whispered.

"Louis, when you said you love me did you mean it?" I asked. He nodded,

"I love you a lot. You mean the world to me and before I went and fucked everything up I was picturing us going far in life together. You are my other half Haz and I can't believe I almost lost you for good. I can't believe I was so close to losing you and not being able to tell you sorry and the truth. It was all my fault-"

"Please don't." I cut him off. He nodded and apologized.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you more." he smiled and kissed my hand.

"I have a question for you and I know I shouldn't be asking now and I totally understand if you say no and you have time to answer."

"Just ask." I groaned.

"I want to go to cotillion and I want you to join me. Hand and hand." he explained.

"Am I hearing correctly? Is Louis Tomlinson asking me, a boy, to the dance?" I mocked. He rolled his eyes and I smiled. "You do understand how much I should hate you right?" I asked. He nodded,

"yeah. I'm hoping you will answer before the medicine wears off because then you will surely hate me." he chuckled.

"I could never hate you. That's what love is isn't it?" I asked. He shrugged,

"I don't know, you are the only person I've been positively in love with." I agreed and sighed because man was this fucked up.

"I know it's early and I sound mental but I really like when I can say I have a boyfriend." I mumbled.

"Oh my god Harry are you saying you will take me back" he practically jumped for joy. I giggled and nodded. He nodded vigorously,

"yes please oh god yes baby please."

"Then it's official." I smiled.

A/N: So I bet we all knew I wasn't going to make Harry die or something drastic like that. I've been writing for years and still haven't found the heart to be able to write a story where one of them dies. It just hurts and scares me too much honestly. Also I know that Harry is forgiving Louis way to quick but you have to understand that that is their relationship. Harry is really dependent on Louis, I mean he snapped when he lost Louis. So don't be mad that I didn't make it a long breakup or be mad, whatever. Also read my new one shot I put up, its sad but cute and I want opinions

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