Chapter Thirteen

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Louis’ pov:

We just woke up and are now packing to leave. We got through the night with no accidents! We are leaving early to make sure I get home in time to get the twins off the bus. I'm kind of nervous to go back to school tomorrow. I have been thinking of what Harry wants me to say to Zayn. I don't even know if I can say it.

“Babe!” he yelled. I quickly turned and looked at him.

“Sorry, what is it?” I asked.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked.

“Oh, yeah.” I nodded and zipped my suitcase. We went down and signed out and started the drive home. It felt shorter than the drive there but it always works like that. I dropped Harry off and drove home just in time to get the girls. I spent the night taking care of them and getting homework done. Soon it was late and I was climbing in bed worrying about tomorrows day of school.


I was driving to school and I was really fidgety. I decided I would do it. But for the sake of Harry and I. Cuz its not selfish of me right? He told me to do it! I sighed as I pulled into the parking lot. I saw Zayn and decided this was the time. Its now or never. I got out and grabbed my bag and headed for him.

“Fag alert!” Zayn hummed and they all looked at me with their arms crossed.

“Zayn, can we talk?” I asked.

“I’d rather not but sure.” he shrugged.

“I wanted to apologize for the blow the other day. Honestly, it was because if I let um what's his name, Harry! If I let him go home hurt I would have gotten in trouble.” I explained.

“Why were you with him?” Liam asked.

“My mum invited his family over for dinner and they left but Harry being weird, stayed later and my sister got attached to him. So later on my mum made me walk him home and then you came and wouldn't leave so I may have punched you. I'm truly sorry and I hope it didn't hurt cuz it wasn't my hardest punch.” I was rambling.

“So you're not gay and friends with Harry?” Zayn asked uncrossing his arms.

“God no, and actually I would like to hang with you guys. I heard you all play football and I do to. I'm still hoping I can get on the team even though I wasn't here to try out.” I explained. Zayn smiled,

“well I'm captain so how about today at lunch you show me your moves and I'll talk to coach for you?”

“Yeah, that would be cool thanks man.” I smiled and he slung his arm around my shoulder.

“C’mon Tomlinson, lets head to English!” I blushed and I saw Harry out of the corner of my eye smiling at us. My poor baby. I walked to English with them and sat behind Zayn, next to Niall. Harry walked in and Zayn coughed ‘fag.’ Harry turned his head to the ground and hurried to his seat in the back corner. I spared a look at him and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned back towards the front as the bell rang and Mrs. Penny told us to open our green books to page 117.

“This week we are going to discuss quotes. We are going to read some together, we will talk about meanings and its importance, and due friday is your own and everyone of you will present to the class. Now lets start with one of you coming up here and reading John Green’s. Any volunteers?” she asked. No one offered and I saw her sigh “Harry, would you please come up here and read it.” I looked at him and he was wide eyed looking at her. He finally got up with his book and walked to the front of the class. He pushed his glasses farther on the bridge of his nose and looked at the writing in the book.

“Maybe there’s something you're afraid to say,” he practically whispered and he looked up looking at everyone then looked back down, “or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go.” He looked back up and looked at me “its gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.” I coughed and he quickly pulled his eyes from me looking back at Mrs. Penny.

“Good job Harry, now what do you think the author is trying to betray in this?” He looked at her then looked down at the ground as he closed the book and hugged it to his chest.

“I think John Green is saying in certain relationships not everything is clear. That one person knows what they want but the other doesn't. That even though one doesn't exactly understand their feelings, being silent, confused, or not knowing what to do next hurts. Not only them, but the other one in the relationship.” he finished. ‘Gay.’ someone coughed. ‘Freak.’ someone else coughed.

“Class, enough. Harry, that was a perfect meaning. Thank you, you may have a seat. Now I want everyone else to take out a sheet of paper and write down what you think the quote means.” Mrs. Penny smiled. Harry hurried to his seat sinking in it. I sighed and pulled out my phone

To Hazza:

  That was perfect angel:), you look amazing today btw. Ignore the comments please:/ and meet me in the bathroom by the drama room after this period.

To Boo:

  Thanks babe, I really didn't mean to look at you, I got lost in your eyes. I'll try, and okay I'll be there.

To Hazza:

  Its okay darling, I don't think anyone noticed. You better be there, I miss my baby D:

To Boo:

  Good, I can't lose you already. I miss you too, I'm glad you talked to Zayn:)

To Hazza:

  I'm not going anywhere babe, don't worry. Eww no stop, I'm regretting it! D’:

To Boo:

  Okay:* and don't, you did it for me and I thank you

To Hazza:

  That's the problem, I think it was more of a selfish act for me than anything...

To Boo:

  Either way, I'm glad you talked to him.

I sighed and pushed the fringe out of my face. I don't even know if I did it because Harry asked me to or because I'm a selfish bitch. Either way, it doesn't feel good.

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