Chapter Thirty Seven

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Louis' pov:

I groaned as I rolled over and realized I was alone. It's so weird to not have Harry sleeping next to me. Maybe we are together too often. Then again we will be living with each other so it's not much of a difference.

"Louis?" Phoebe whispered and poked her head in my bedroom.

"Hi princess," I smiled making her smile and run to me. She climbed on my bed and laid down on my chest.

"Happy birthday Lou, are you excited?" she asked.

"For what, my birthday or Christmas?"

"Well it's not Christmas yet silly, and your birthday! How old are you now?"

"19! I'm getting old!" I chuckled.

"You don't look it," she giggled and winked. I chuckled and it fell silent while I ran my hand through her hair.

"Mama told me you are moving out soon," she whispered.

"Yeah, little after the holidays. Is that okay?" I asked. She shrugged,

"can I come too?"

"No Phoebe, I don't think you can," I mumbled.

"I'm going to miss you, will you visit often? What about Harry? You can't leave him!"

"I'm not going far babe, remember grandmas house?" she nodded, "she gave me her house before she went to heaven I'll be over all the time or you will come over. I still have to babysit sometimes. And actually, he is coming with me."

"He is living with you!?" she asked. I nodded and she smiled,

"that's great! I love him."

"He loves you too, but not as much as I love you," I smiled and kissed her head. She giggled,

"I love you more Lou, mum sent me up to bring you down for breakfast, we should probably go down."  I agreed and picked her up taking her down the stairs. I went towards the kitchen where I heard everyone talking and giggling. I walked in and froze seeing the lock of curls sitting on the barstool. He spun around

"happy birthday!" everyone cheered. I smiled and set Phoebe down saying thank you and walking over to Harry. He smiled up at me and I leaned down kissing his forehead. He wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me.

"I was going to come up and wake you in a nicer way but she insisted she do it," he whispered. I hummed,

"next time then." I pulled away and my mum handed me a plate of breakfast as I took a seat next to Harry.

"We can open gifts after if you want hun," my mum smiled. I nodded and continued eating. I felt Harry place his hand on my thigh as we finished eating. The girls were in the living room watching frosty and my mum was upstairs cleaning.

"So how are you and your mum?" I asked. He shrugged,

"she didn't talk to me. She got home a little after you left then went in her room, didn't say a word. Gem came home and she like knew that something was up. It's Christmas eve for Christ sakes Lou, but she won't talk to me. She has to talk to me. I'm leaving no matter what so it's best to just talk to me then lose me. Right?" he asked turning to look at me.

"Right baby, just give her time. You know she isn't handling this well." I explained. He nodded and I got up taking our plates to the sink. I walked back over to him and stood in between his legs laying my hands on his thighs.

"But right now how about we don't worry about it because it's my birthday and I'm about to go open gifts and I don't want my boyfriend upset because he is growing up and mummy doesn't like that. Now smile," I coaxed. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. I poked his dimples making his smile brighten and he pulled me into a hug giggling into my neck. I smiled and squeezed my arms around his neck. His hands traveled down to my bum and pulled me harder into him. I groaned but broke apart when someone cleared their throat behind us. I spun and Lottie was looking at us holding back a giggle.

Bully (Larry Stylinson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang